
四生肖 羊年犯太歲 

四生肖 羊年犯太歲  2015-02-09


肖牛 不穩定之年   


肖羊 忌探病問喪   



可逢凶化吉   害太歲。有「福德」、「天德」、「福星」和「八座」值年,有遇難呈祥,化凶為吉之妙,正所謂「天德月德,逢凶化吉」。不過,吉星力強,仍不可小覷「捲舌」、「披麻」、「寡宿」等凶星的破壞力,易犯是非,被人針對。 

肖狗 易招惹是非   


其他生肖 趨吉法   

傅會長指肖雞雖非犯太歲,但按《通勝》「天官賜福」圖解只得凶星無吉星,亦應與羊、狗、牛、龍一樣掛太歲牌化煞,或到廟宇做攝太歲。其他生肖都有一至三粒吉星「照住」,最好是屬馬,因與羊相合(午未相合),兼有三吉星「歲合」、「文昌」、「天廚」相扶,但注意感情煩惱、提防小病及勿到陌生地方探險。肖虎雖受「暴敗」、「天厄」、「亡神」凶星影響,但有三吉星「天喜」、「紫微」、「龍德」相扶,可逢凶化吉,有驚無險。  轉載自: 晴報

Make Most of the Year of Yin Wood Sheep

Make Most of the Year of Yin Wood Sheep

By SBS Surendran Published: 01st February 2015 India Express

Year 2015 is known as the year of Yin Wood Sheep—Yi Wei. Sheep is the eighth animal in the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, and is part of the fire cycle in the cycle of the season of five elements in feng shui.

The zodiac Sheep is said to be a lucky animal sign and is often expected to bring up auspicious and cordial relationships during the year. In 2015, taking into account the elements in ‘combine and clash’ based on the feng shui destiny analysis, known as the four pillars of destiny, the two main elements in clash are Wood and Earth.In the cycle of the five-element theory, Wood conquers Earth which indicates clash; however as it’s weak, Wood, which is like a flower, conflicts, and clash can be resolved through interaction. Being flexible, a common agreement can be reached, hence it would be relatively less violent than the earlier year. The Yin Wood Goat year, with Wood on top and Earth below, is a symbol of optimism and flexibility for compromise and progress.

Yin Wood also means more activities in the field or art and entertainment. Young women in these fields can see good progress in their career and would also get help from older people.The Sheep represents Earth element which in turn represents muscle fibres, stomach and pancreas. Hence extra caution needs to be exercised  with regard to diabetes, stomach and muscular ailments. Wood, the element in clash—which is weak or yin —signifies neck, liver and spine, hence the clash of elements can aggravate spine-related disorders.

For the zodiac sign Sheep, in the earth months of July, October and January, health should be the focus as strong earth will trigger stomach and insulin-related issues.

From the industry point of view, as the Earth element in the zodiac Goat also contains hidden elements like weak Fire and Wood, the year is supportive to trades like food, entertainment, aviation, active sporting and tourism.

From the global relationship perspective, it would be a year of disturbances of a different kind. Although nations may come together to show peace and unity, the unrest will be lurking beneath. Earth-related mishaps and road safety would be of prime importance as the year indicates such unfavourable events.

Those born in the year of Rat will have ample opportunity to tie the knot or have more interaction with the opposite gender, and those born in the year of Snake will have a lot of travel this year.Industries related to metal and wood like banking, heavy engineering, IT and high tech will see new trends emerging and will receive a boost. Textiles, media and paper industries which pertain to Wood element will also benefit.

Based on elemental analysis, Fire industries like finance, entertainment and energy will also be able to progress although a bit of caution needs to be exercised. Real estate, property and mining would experience a lot of competition as the strong Earth in the year of the Sheep will bring in new entrants, fierce competition and may have an overall conservative outlook.The writer is a master Feng Shui consultant and traditional vastu practitioner

Feng Shui is about more than furniture and colours

Dervilla Griffin is a Cork-based Feng Shui consultant in demand all over the world. She tells Sharon O’Reilly-Coates how her work can alleviate sickness and even money worries

Houses have personalities. That’s what Dervilla Griffin believes. Like a cuckoo popping out of a clock, she leaps into a room. But her apparent normality doesn’t fool me.
Houses speak to her for heaven’s sake! She talks about the “vibrations”` of houses. A Chinese magnetic compass is as familiar to her as a knife and fork. She admits to being “at one” with buildings.

“We all have gifts Sharon. Mine is I have empathy with buildings”.

Yet Dervilla, an ex-private eye born in Co Tipperary who runs Cork’s Feng Shui Matters, counts doctors, solicitors and engineers, health clinic bosses and entrepreneurs among her many clients. And it seems the art of matching people with their homes is paying off for her.

Feng Shui? I hear you cry. I haven’t heard of that since the ‘80’s. Isn’t that all about wind chimes and sticking mirrors on walls? Dervilla is almost changing colour with frustration.

“Feng Shui is not about moving your furniture or changing your colours. It goes beyond that. It is about understanding the personality of a building. It’s about feeling the energy and changing the vibration.”

Pop Feng Shui abounds out there and it makes her cross, she says. “Like who told half the country to paint their front doors red? If there is bad energy at the entrance, it just intensifies it”.

Wind chimes should never be used either unless there is upturned soil as it can invite spirit, according to Dervilla. As for mirrors? Keep them out of bedrooms. The energy bounces around and creates a disturbed sleep.

In the last few years, Dervilla has cleared the energies of more than 50 homes, with sleep deprivation and money worries being the most frequent problems. Much of her work is repeat custom as energies change each year and a review is needed.

In the last few years, her business went global. She surveys the rooms of clients in Sydney, South Africa, Tehran, Spain, France and Saudi Arabia to resolve concerns around everything from dwindling creativity to perennial sickness. She advises new business as well as householders on extensions and new builds. To do so, she needs the birth date of each family member, the age of the house and how the house sits in a landscape. All this, she can glean via Skype.

“Technology is great, but it’s no substitute for being on site and feeling the energy. I can predict if a couple will have problems and put measures in place to prevent it. I can stop sickness visiting a home and prevent existing sicknesses from worsening. Sickness is stopped by balancing the horoscope of the house with the person. There are eight types of house, depending on the direction they face. There are eight types of person depending on date of birth. If these types match, the house is a good fit and minimal remedial work is needed”.

A recent client was a GP’s wife whose family were regularly ill.
After half an hour sitting with Dervilla, I felt positively serene. She’s like a solar panel absorbing the energy of those around her. This is fine if you’re happy, but if you feel sad, she could cry.
“I’m so sensitive. I pick up on everything”, she explains. “I was like it even as a child”.
Her intuitive gift even helped her to pick her husband of 15 years, Donal, a tennis coach and photographer. “I knew the minute I saw him on the tennis court that we were going to be married.”
I’m moving house so I had Dervilla over to look at the planned purchase. First question is: “When were you born?”

A bit personal. I blurt out my birth date, wishing it was more recent. She asks my stunned husband the same thing. “Thought so, you’re the same energy. That explains why you were so comfortable together when you first met”.

My reason for the consultation was simple. Our family is moving after nearly 20 years and it had suddenly struck me. Hang on a minute. We’re all healthy and happy here. Maybe we’re suited to our current house?

Okay, I give out about clutter and the greenery that pervades the windows, but we have underlying smoothness here. Nothing too jarring. Would it be the same with the new period property?
Hours after she first entered our house, armed with her Luopan compass and head lamp, the 44-year-old emerged victorious. A blend of scientific measurements and intuition helps her reach her initial findings. Add to that a week spent in her log cabin at Leemount working on her report and voila – she’s ready to present her work.

According to Dervilla, a protective mountain (something like a raised rock feature) is needed at the front of the house and a giant waterfall (a water feature) at the back. Heavy metal objects, like a brass statue, were also recommended for rooms where she had detected bad energy. She also advised where best to position beds, what rooms would be best for creative endeavour and what colours to avoid on walls.

“Real Feng Shui taps into energy at a deeper level. It matches the house to its occupants. All personalities should be in harmony.”

But one factor alone makes her unique as a Feng Shui consultant: “I rely heavily on my intuition, she says. “If science is telling me one thing and I feel another, I will go with what I sense”.
So how did a Presentation Convent girl from Clonmel break into such an unusual profession?
Initially, Dervilla followed her father, Larry’s footsteps and worked in private investigation. Her ability to read situations and people proved useful and she even set up her own private eye agency.
A change of direction took her into pharmaceuticals, where she spent eight years as a purchaser. But it was a comment from a group of Chinese she met in Sydney in her late 20s that pulled her into Feng Shui.

“They said my energy was very aware and I should consider Feng Shui. I took their advice.”
After studying under four Feng Shui Masters in Beijing and at the American Institute of Feng Shui in California, she set up Feng Shui Matters in 2008.
She says she’s forever learning.

The basics of Feng Shui
  1. According to Chinese pentology, which includes Feng Shui, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, each person is made up of a combination of elements. These are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Your birth date dictates the combination. The elements affect our needs energetically in a home.
  2. Feng Shui, in its simplest form, is about matching your personal birth elements to the house, which has its own horoscope.
  3. In Feng Shui, each house is broken down into nine quadrants, each of which has distinct characteristics, depending on the location and direction.
  4. Feng Shui consultants try to sense and feel the energy and the affect it has on us.
  5. Don’t follow paint trends. Very few energies can take it.
  6. Keep entrances clear, especially around doors and hallways, to prevent affecting the flow of chi. In feng shui, your front door is called the “mouth of chi.” Bring good energy into your home by keeping it clean and well lit.
  7. Always declutter before employing a Feng Shui consultant. Clutter is stuck energy.
  8. The type of remedy needed varies from year to year. Energies are moving all the time and annual reviews are needed.
  9. Plants bring vibrant chi into a home or working environment.

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港女指控風水師欺騙 追討數千萬元

港女指控風水師欺騙 追討數千萬元

2015-02-11 中央社 中央社記者張謙香港11日電


官方香港電台今天報導,這名女子聲稱被風水師司徒法正欺騙,向高等法院提出追討款項的聲請。 報導表示,司徒法正自2009年起為相關女子進行風水學上稱為「種生基」的儀式,當時這名50歲的女子正面對家族爭產及受先天性心臟病困擾。

女事主控告司徒法正利用她的迷信來誤導及剝削她,令她多年來支付千萬元,要求對方退回款項。 報導說,女事主表示,雖然給了對方千萬元,但一直沒有轉運,而且父母身體日差,因此認為被司徒法正欺騙。


過去10年來,最轟動香港的風水面相師新聞莫過於陳振聰案;陳振聰早年以風水師的身分認識本地女首富龔如心,而當時龔如心的丈夫王德輝早已被綁架及失蹤多年。王德輝為房地產商華懋集團的老闆,他失蹤後,公司由龔如心接掌。 龔如心於2007年病逝,外界原以為她的遺產將交由她生前成立的一個基金接管,沒想到陳振聰公開展示一張有龔如心「簽名」的遺囑,聲稱龔如心生前同意把華懋交由他處理。 龔如心的家人與陳振聰其後展開漫長的官司,雙方在庭上辯論時公開的資料顯示,龔如心曾給予陳振聰數億元風水費。 陳振聰最後輸了官司,並因為偽造遺囑入獄。

Good ‘feng shui’ at Filinvest’s new project

Good ‘feng shui’ at Filinvest’s new project

By Manila Standard Today | Feb. 06, 2015 at 06:55pm

Filinvest Premiere recently launched The Signature at A. Bonifacio Avenue in Quezon City. Sitting on a one hectare development  that combines old-town sensibilities and modern amenities, The Signature melds the distinct elements of a relaxed community with good design.Iconic address. The Signature, located along A. Bonifacio Avenue, is nearthe Banawe and Quezon City Central Business Districts.

“Rarely do we find a residential vertical development that devotes 60 percent of its land area to green open spaces,” said Filinvest Land Inc.’s senior vice president Steve C. Chien.The Signature offers residents and guests large indoor and outdoor amenity areas that promotes an upscale, relaxed lifestyle. At its heart is The Signature Lake, which  takes inspiration from the royal gardens of the Summer Palace in Beijing, with  an Olympic-sized lap pool and wading pools.“Our foremost concern is to have an environment that lets you rejuvenate at the end of a long day at work, or at school,” said Chien. “We make sure that our amenities allow you to build strong family ties with your relatives and friends, who are also your neighbours.

Good ‘feng shui’,  inside and out

The Signature’s auspicious design – from the units and the master-plan to the architectural design and green open spaces – has good ‘feng shui’ inside and out, said consultant Hanz Cua. The design is by Filinvest, Asya Design, AECOM, and Arlen P. de Guzman Design Associates.“Good ‘feng shui’ equals to good energy,” said Cua. “

The Signature has positive ‘feng shui’ elements, which ensures that the property increases its value in the future.”“The curved panel details highlighting the exterior architectural designs of The Signature inhibit bad ‘feng shui’ energy, also known as the ‘sha chi’, to come in,” explained Cua. He also said the inner structures of the Signature promote balanced energies because there are no pillars or beams inside each unit, which practically gives the homeowners more space and helps promote the circulation of “sheng chi.”

Year of the Goat starts on 4 Feb 2015 立春日

PUBLISHED: Feb 4, 2015 : Feb 4, 2015 11:27pm

Year of the Goat starts today, says feng shui expert

Feng shui expert Jane Hor says most people think that the first day of Chinese New Year is the first day of the new lunar calendar.

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 4, 2015:

The first day of the Chinese New Year of the Goat is today and not the first day of the new lunar calendar, contrary to popular belief.

Feng shui expert Jane Hor said the new year would start from 12.09am today as it will mark the entrance into the first solar term, LiChun.In an exclusive interview with The Rakyat Post, Hor who is a metaphysics consultant said most people think that the first day of CNY is the first day of the new lunar calendar.“But actually once it’s in LiChun, then it would already be the new year.“That’s why the old Chinese saying goes ‘LiChun first, then the best year comes’.”She said LiChun begins when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 315° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 330°.“It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 315°.”She said she examined the “Five Elements” in relation to the Malaysian economy and the prospects of the various sectors and industries.“Finance, the banking industry and share markets are set for weak performances while the economy will still be worrying.“

This year LiChun is considered as “mild gold” which indicates bleak prospects. The finance industry will only perform better from August to October this year.”She predicted that the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th month of the lunar calendar year will be good for the share market and a suitable time for investments.“According to the lunar calendar, the third month will be April 19 , 2015 to May 19, 2015. The sixth month will be from July 16, 2015, till Aug 14, 2015.“The ninth month will be from Oct 13, 2015 till Nov 11, 2015 and the 12th month will be from Jan 10, 2016 till Feb 8, 2016.“For the first six months of the year, the share market will be performing moderately, but will change during the second half of the year with a burst of new energy.”She summarised the five elements prediction as follows:

According to the LiChun’s calculation, metal is the weakest element. Thus industries like finance, currency and the metal mining industry will perform poorly and be worrying.WoodThis element is very strong this year. This indicates industries like publishing, newspaper, clothing and timber industries which will be extraordinarily active. Although there will be heated competition and the weakest player will lose out to the strongest.

The water related industry will be weak this year, which means industries like tourism, logistics and transportation will have to be cautious.

This element that includes cosmetics, technology and electricity-related industries and they will perform as usual, but high expectations should not be put on them.

This element that includes the property sector, construction industry and petroleum industry should be as usual this year. The crude oil price will see an upward trend, but due to the strong influence of the wood element, hard work is required to outperform the others.

The 2015 Feng Shui Index: Investing in the Year of the Goat


The 2015 Feng Shui Index: Investing in the Year of the Goat

CLSA, the Hong Kong-based investment and broker group, has launched its 21st Feng Shui Index (FSI), a tongue-in-cheek financial forecast for the coming Chinese Year of the Goat.According to the Chinese zodiac, goats are harmonious creatures but be prepared for the typically affable goat to reveal his gruff side this year.The Goat is the eighth sign of the 12-year cycle of animals.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing with the environment.Studying its Feng Shui Index, CLSA says mean-spirited people will be crossing your path, so triple-check emails and contracts to avoid outbursts, or worse, lawsuits.Industries such as autos, electronics, silver and gold will do brilliantly. Even previously lacklustre oil and gas markets will perform well.Since it’s the goat which put the cash into cashmere, the CLSA Feng Shui Index guides overall top sector picks with this most luxurious gift from our four-legged friends.Cashmere sectors include renewables, commodities and property. If seeking Hong Kong property, skip the west and graze north this year.Preventative medical stocks will be in demand.

CLSA expects Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index to end the second half of the year marginally higher than the start.“Our favourite Earth Rooster, the Hang Seng Index, will not perform spectacularly this year as the rooster clashes with the goat, causing it to falter,” says CLSA.“CLSA’s FSI tracks the Hang Seng on a precarious path, predicting some volatility after a mundane start. In the second leg, the Rooster is expected to peck its way to a mid-year peak, crowing marginally higher at the end of the year.”