
Bazi science - Brief talk (2) about 5 elements inter-relationship into create , destroy, restraint and defuse. 八字學 之 五行5剋制化 (2)

Bazi science - Brief talk (2) about 5 elements inter-relationship into create , destroy, restraint and defuse.  八字學 之 五行5剋制化 (2)

<Yuan Hai Zi Ping> , there is a chapter talking about the 5 elements inter-relationship with each other in terms of the chemical effects into create , destroy, restraint and defuse, with examples for illustration.
- Metal relies on earth for production, but too heavy hard earth results burrial of metal which would be unable found and taken out for utilisation.
- Earth relies on fire for creation, but too strong high-temperature fire would over burn the earth to become useless land.
- Fire relies wood for lighting up, but too many wood results the fire burn up too strong and extreme hot. Wood relies water to survive and grow, but too much water results the wood root loosen then drifting away.
- Water relies on metal to sustain its volume for existence, but too much metal results the water no longer clear and obscure.
渊海子平 - 《论五行5剋制化》
In my last article (1), the main idea is to highlight, when a person's Daymaster element (eg. Metal) is extreme /over strong, in order to balance it through an effective way would use its killing element (eg. Fire) for restraining, managing it into usable for utilisation.
The article (2) here highlights when a person's Daymaster element (eg. Metal) having too much heavy and hard earth would result the metal being buried down deep inside earth, then too lazy to come out, therefore unable to be discovered for its existence and removing out for utilusation, kind of defusing its existence and usage.
Both articles are driven with the important concept for maintaining into right balance among each other, harmony leads to better lucks and hapiness in life and living.

A little talk about the chinese face fortune reading

A little talk about the chinese face fortune reading

Some chinese bazi and feng shui masters may take cross references from face fortune reading technique along with the mainstream of bazi and feng shui application to achieve higher accuracy and effectiveness for serving their clients.
Attached is titled "running year fortune diagram" which is extracted from an ancient china classical book titled "the great ching dynasty face fortune reading method".
In this diagram, the twelve Earthly Branches are used in 12 position on face representing 12 palaces for respective running year fortune (yun qi) position for reading, eg for the year of 2015, it refers to the face position "wei" palace.
For reading the person's fortune by age, it can base on the relevant age position marked in the diagram, eg. Age 41-50, the fortune reading would refer to the respective positions of the nose.

Ancient tombs reflect our cultural heritage

Ancient tombs reflect our cultural heritage

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 The Standard

Did you know the oldest discovered tomb site in Hong Kong is more than 6,000 years old? It was unearthed at Tung Wan Tsai North on Ma Wan in 1997, along with 20 graves.

This week I am going to talk about a tomb that is more than 2,000 years old in Sham Shui Po.The Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb was accidentally discovered in August 1955 when the authorities were cutting a hill slope at the Lei Cheng Uk Village to construct resettlement buildings.Archaeologists believe the tomb was built during the Eastern Han dynasty (AD 25-220).

Though closed to the public for conservation reasons, visitors may still view the external structures. The museum's specially designed canopy and refurbished exhibition hall provide a new museum experience.The tomb was excavated and archaeologists began to investigate the possibility that salt production flourished in Hong Kong around 2,000 years ago. The structure and burial objects show similarities to other Han tombs found in most of southern China showing that Chinese civilization spread to Hong Kong all those years ago.Other amazing unearthed material found showed that Hong Kong was under the administration of Panyu county during the Han period.From the massive burial site and objects found there, we can conclude that the tomb's owner must have been related to the imperial families.From the feng shui perspective, the tomb was oriented with the Eagle's Nest as back support, with Stonecutters Island as the front view and Rambler Channel as the water element. The branch of Beacon Hill formed as the Green Dragon is on the left. We can't seem to find the right tiger, probably the only flaw of the tomb. Once overlooking the seashore, the site of the tomb is now almost 2,000 meters away from the sea, following a series of land reclamations.

The significant contribution is not the site; rather it is the continuing cultural heritage, which reminds us it is cultural values that will keep our community going for another few thousand years.The site is located at 41 Tonkin Street in Sham Shui Po district. Please do visit this wonderful piece of history.And let the world know that Hong Kong people are still interested in culture besides money.

紫微斗數探索自我 大師引領

紫微斗數探索自我 大師引領 2015年03月14日

書名:紫微斗數正本清源作者:許耀焜著   郭瑞元、傅瀚萱整理出版:商訊文化上市日期:2015/2/20
書名:紫微斗數正本清源作者:許耀焜著   郭瑞元、傅瀚萱整理出版:商訊文化上市日期:2015/2/20



2015-03-13 - 陳添賜老師 中時電子報


如末學在為緣客服務的生涯中,常碰到很煩的「煩人和煩事」,像緣客一進門就哭著說一大堆事給我聽,或怨天、怨地給我聽,或粗魯的幹天、幹地給我聽,或 ……,煩都煩死了,所以,我就先推算那些時段是「煩人」會上門的時間,會選擇去避難。有一次,我認為本日辰時宜避難,可是一般客人上門沒那麼早吧!如果早上8點去避難,應不遲,結果早上7點50分煩人就上門了。又一次,我決定晚上7點去避難,結果晚上6點30分煩人就上門了。唉!真是業障難逃。




2015-03-12 - 了無居士



★ 摘錄自新著:《斗數該這樣論》

A brief talk (3) about the art of "sum-of-ten" method in feng shui 略談 風水上的合十法 (3)

A brief talk (3) about the art of "sum-of-ten" method in feng shui 略談 風水上的合十法 (3)

As the Sam He feng shui is also architectured on the numerology of River Map and Lo Shu with 8 trigrams, Sam He has its own i@nterpretation into specific formulas for application. For example, one of its formulas is named "later heaven trigram numbering total-of ten water dragron" method. This method is basically using the "na-jia" method and later heaven trigram numbering.
Trigram   Later heaven number     Map to HS/EB of 24 mountains
via Na-jia method
Qian        6                                         Jia
Kun          2                                          Yi
Li              9                                          Ren, Yin, Xu
Kan          1                                          Gui, Shen, Chen
Gen          8                                          Bing
Dui           7                                          Ding, Si, Chou
Zhen        3                                          Geng, Hai, Wei
Xun          4                                          Xin
Later heaven trigram numbering sum-of-ten water dragon method: 
The luopan mountain directions matching between the tomb facing and the water dragon, via their later heaven 8 trigram numberung, for achieving the  sum-of-ten.
e.g. Xun or Xin mountain (4) direction facing matches with the Qian or Jia mountain (6)  direction water = sum-of-ten.
Vice versa for the rests as per this method accordingly. 
三合法 也有 合十為吉論。 例如, 《後天合十向水局》, 用上纳甲法和後天卦數。
巽辛向見乾甲水,  乾甲向見巽辛水。 (四六合十 )
艮丙向見坤乙水,  坤乙向見艮丙水。 (二八合十 )
震庚亥未向,  見兑丁巳丑水; 兑丁巳丑向,  見震庚亥未水。 (三七合十 )
離壬寅戌向,  見坎癸申辰水; 坎癸申辰向,  見離壬寅戌水。 (一九合十 ) 

Bazi science - Brief talk (1) about 5 elements inter-relationship into create , destroy, restraint and defuse. 八字學 之 五行生剋制化 (1)

Tien Sum posted in: xing.com   Four Pillars of Destiny in der Praxis 

Bazi science - Brief talk (1) about 5 elements inter-relationship into create , destroy, restraint and defuse.  八字學 之 五行生剋制化 (1)

In the bazi science classical literature <Yuan Hai Zi Ping> written in the ancient china song dynasty, there is a chapter talking about the 5 elements inter-relationship with each other in terms of the chemical effects into create , destroy, restraint and defuse, with examples for illustration.
- Strong tough metal needs fire so as to become tools for operating;
- Strong fire needs water so as to control and balance the heat for refinery;
- Massive water needs earth so as to form up pool and swamp for useful storage ;
- Strong hard earth needs wood so as to loosen soft into planation land;
- Strong huge wood needs metal so as to make into concrete pillars for building.  
渊海子平 - 《论五行生剋制化》
Just think about the 5 elements' scenario above into the Daymaster element as such for a person and what would be needed for transforming into good, useful, capable person.



2015/03/12 09:55
開店當然希望高朋滿座,風水也是很多老闆們注意的(好房News記者 陳韋帆/攝影)通化商圈街景,門市店家林立。(好房News記者 陳韋帆/攝影)
商店的門是商店的咽喉,是顧客與商品出入與流通的通道。商店的門每日迎送顧客的多少,決定著商店的興衰。店鋪風水-店鋪招牌擺放應注意六點在風水學中,招牌的擺放也是非常重要的,直接影響的生意。  1、招牌的顏色要根據店鋪所屬五行選取,選取生我助我之五行所屬顏色。  2、招牌應選取黃道吉日擺放。  3、招牌應擺放在店鋪方位的旺方。  4、招牌的尺寸大小要合符五行數理,配以卦象分析。  5、招牌所用的材料也要依五行生旺來選取。  6、招牌上的名字在五行數理、五音、九宮型體、內涵幾方面要特別講究。  做到以上六方面,招牌的設置就符合風水原理了,同時會為店鋪帶來生旺之氣

xuan kong flyingstar - trapped imprison 飛星入囚

xuan kong flyingstar - trapped imprison 飛星入囚,

When the in timely yun water star or mountain star locates in the centre section (hall) of the xuan kong flyingstar nine-hall diagram for the building, the terminology is named "flyingstar trapped imprision". 飛星入囚,  凡當元之山星或向星飛入中宮,名「入囚」
For example, during the three-yun period, a building is constructed for:
1) xu-chen facing, the xuan kong flyingstar nine-hall diagram would reflect the in-timely yun water star appears at facing front hall, and the in-timely yun mountain appears at the sitting back hall, this is named "on-water-on-mountain" symbolises prosperity for wealthy and healthy, provided the surrounding environment matching accordingly.
However, once the three-yun over then enters into four-yun, the four-yun mountain star appears at the centre hall instead of at the appropriate location in the sitting back side, this symbolises the residents' life would be having health, safety problem, bad luck for increasing and retaining family members.
2) chen-xu facing, the xuan kong flyingstar nine-hall diagram would reflect the in-timely yun water star appears at facing front hall, and the in-timely yun mountain appears at the sitting back hall, this is named "on-water-on-mountain" symbolises prosperity for wealthy and healthy, provided the surrounding environment matching accordingly.
However, once the three-yun over then enters into four-yun, the four-yun water star appears at the centre hall instead of at the appropriate location in the facing front side, this symbolises the residents' life would be having financial problem, bad luck in money.
As such, you can see in above example, the three-yun constructed building would have at most 20 years of luck within the three-yun period of time.