
Classical feng shui theory - Heavenly Stems into River Map numbers

Classical feng shui theory - Heavenly Stems into River Map numbers

Earlier article has mentioned the below mapping:
Ten Heavenly Stems into River Map numbers
As numbers 3, 8 for wood, so 3 for Jia and 8 for Yi.
As numbers 2, 6 for fire, so 7 for Bing and 2 for Ding.
As numbers 9, 4 for metal, so 9 for Geng and 4 for Xin.
As numbers 1, 6 for water, so 1 for Ren and 6 for Gui.
As nymbers 5, 10 for earth, so 5 for Wu and 10 for Ji at centre core.
Guess some may know how the mapping rules work, however some may need little explanation below:
- Odd numbers are for yang, even numbers are for yin.
- River Map numbers group by 5 element nature, eg 1,6 for water, 2,7 for fire, etc.
Therefore, 1 is for yang water = Ren
2 is for ying fire = Ding
3 is for yang wood = Jia
4 is for yin metal = Xin
6 is for yin water = Gui
7 is for yang fire = Bing
8 is for yin wood = Yi
9 is for yang metal = Geng
5 is yang earth = Wu
10 is ying earth = Ji
As you can see, the the theory consists of various principles and rules for strictly adherence.

Feng shui more than just wind and waterp

Feng shui more than just wind and water

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Even knowledgeable scientists admit they know only 4 percent of this cosmic world.
What about feng shui masters? Do they know it all? Certainly not!
But before you make any judgment call on feng shui, just because you cannot comprehend certain concepts, read on.
The astronomer Copernicus expounded his dream that the Earth is not the center of the universe, and he was sent to jail for eight years and asked to repent.
Since he could not prove his theory, he was cast aside, until Galileo proved it scientifically by using his telescope.
Pythagoras and calculus with their mathematical models were once dismissed as superstition, only to be cheered once people understood them.
Feng shui faces similar doubts since modern science cannot prove the existence of subtle energy.
But if you look at scientific findings like cosmic rays and radioactivity, you will realize that many more terms in science may be used to represent feng shui findings.
In simple terms, the study of feng shui revolves around cause and effect: things start to form, then disperse and decay.
The best move for a wise feng shui master would be to tap into and harness the best kinds of energy at different facets in the cycle.
In defiance of critics, we should examine the insufficient knowledge human beings had of the cosmos more than 2,000 years ago.
The ancient Chinese managed to chart the five planets Mercury, which represents water, Venus metal, Jupiter wood, Mars fire, and Saturn earth
 on top of the sun and moon.
The ancient Chinese looked upon the seven stars of the Great Bear as forming a farming clock, with its tail acting like the arm of a clock. It is a simple method to determine 24 seasonal parts in the Chinese calendar.
When the tail points to the east, it is spring; when south, it is summer; when west, it is autumn; and when north, it is winter.
These seven stars, together with the interaction of the sun and moon, provide brightness and exercise influence on Earth, and thus living beings.
Therefore, yin and yang, as well as the five elements, are theories that are not without basis.
Chinese are proud of their ancestors who invented the compass.
The use of a magnetic needle to gauge direction may be pretty basic, but its usefulness is enormous.
Ancient Chinese were able to equate current directions with the movement of air and water.
Air is quicker than water, so is placed ahead, or to the left side of the axis, with water on the right.
Feng shui literally means wind and water, and is called so because it's a thing like wind, which you cannot comprehend, and like water, which you cannot grasp.

But if you are a regular reader, you should know by now that it's a lot more than that.

Classical Feng Shui theory - from River Map to luopan 24 mountains

Classical Feng Shui theory - from River Map to luopan 24 mountains

In the ancient literature about traditional feng shui science,  there was a jargon commonly be quote and unquote, 
"River Map is used as for the foundation map and principles, Lu Shu is used as for application". 
Below two diagrams were extracted from the ancient china classical literature titled "heluo jingyun zhuyin" witten in ching dynasty. The book title can be translated as " The essence of River Map and Lu Shu science development - explanatory guide". 
The diagrams can show the evolution and development of the feng shui luopan as per the foundation of River Map numerology theory. 
1. The inner centre is named "heaven pool" where the Heavenly Stems and
the River Map numbers 5, 10 for earth locate as the core.
2. The River Map numbers 1, 6 in the north; numbers 3, 8 in the east;
numbers 2, 7 in the south;  numbers 4, 9 in the west.
3. Ten Heavenly Stems,    
As numbers 3, 8 for wood, so 3 for Jia and 8 for Yi.
As numbers 2, 6 for fire, so 7 for Bing and 2 for Ding.
As numbers 9, 4 for metal, so 9 for Geng and 4 for Xin.
As numbers 1, 6 for water, so 1 for Ren and 6 for Gui.
As nymbers 5, 10 for earth, so 5 for Wu and 10 for Ji at centre core.
4. Twelve Earthly Branches
Twelve EB are positioned as per the directional group like in bazi science,
into north for water, east for wood, south gor fire, west for metal.
For example,
Hai-Zi-Chou, these 3 EB form up as for north water set. 
5. Eight Trigrams  
This are the laterly heaven 8 trigrams as per their position.
6. Twenty-four MountainsThis the last layout with the 24 mountains mapped
to the 8 trigrams accordingly.

A bazi case about determination of strong or weak for daymaster really matter?

A bazi case about determination of strong or weak for daymaster really matter?

At about 4 years ago, occasionally i found a destiny forum website in china, considerable serious but still healthy atmosphere for discussion, i dropped by for a short period time participating in the bazi reading for life destiny enquiries from reader members.As my reply always started with " i am not a da-si (big master) but just a visitor passed by and come across your enquiry, nevertheless i would like to share with my view. ". Since then,the members began to often address me as "pass-by da-si" requesting me for answer and viewpoints. Below is ine of the enquiry case.
Enquiry from a member asking for advice from the teachers here, about the below bazi daymaster is considered strong or weak? What is the useful god and happy god? Why?
公历:1932年12月23日06时 虚岁: 命主今年80岁 person is now 80 yrs old    偏财   偏财   日柱   正官
        Year            Month        Day            Time
乾造: 壬    壬    戊    乙
Male    申    子    午    卯    空亡(子丑)

10-yrs luck yun
大运:癸丑  甲寅  乙卯  丙辰  丁巳  戊午  己未  庚申
实岁:05岁  15岁  25岁  35岁  45岁  55岁  65岁  75岁  
My reply:
How are you, I am not dai-si ( big master ) but  just an ordinary member passing-by, hope you don't mind . Daymaster is strong or weak? This can easily come into arguements, due to  there is no publuc recognised standard to be based on for judgment.
Looking at this life, born in lunar calendar 10th month 23rd day, Ren water has passed its extreme strong turning into weak, Gui and Xin retreating but Ji earth is at power. (So daymaster Wu earth seem strong? )
Look further, the daymaster Wu sitting on Wu resource as yang knife seem extreme strong , however near to the EB Wu fire is the year and month EB Zi Shen half  3-Unity water which penetrates up to the double HS Ren resulting into strong water into a powerful killing force to the Wu fire. When day EB Wu fire is being trapped and attracked by such strong water, it become unable to take care and give support to the daymaster Wu earth on top.  While the time HS Yi sitting on EB Mao as "treasure", into strong wood with water feed and fire warm body, being a strong OF to the daymaster.
Therefore, I define this daymaster as weak. Happy and useful god would be wood and fire to enpower the daymaster earth so as to be able to take in the strong wealth (water).
Regardless of strong or weak, this life 4pillars' 5 element qi is clear and pure, the wood and fire would bring alive qi to the person. As such, run on the south-east seasonal 10-years luck yun qi, is considered a very good life on good luck yun, high-govt offiical or noble life type.
10-years luck yun at south-east wood fire yun 甲寅-己未:age 15-74, so good life good luck yun, this is hardly encountered in life.
Look further, the Jia yun (age 15-24) is mixed OF and 7K where such mix 犯官杀混杂 could cause him into big trouble, hard bad luck in life and living, this was not yet to his life at fatal dangerous or failure time, because the Yun Jia is siting on EB Yin which is being trapped resulting no strength too feed Jia.  OF Jia might be able to disburb 7K Yi but still unable to replace 7K.   
Since the wood fire would be the happy useful god, the opposite would be metal water as the anoying god. For example, entering into  Geng Shen Yun 庚申运, the 10-years luck yun, by the time the person will be already aged over 70 above, life as such should have no regret no complaint already.
The feedback obtained:
This person has been a high-govt official, life before Jia yun was very bad and down, Yin yun (starts at age 20)  onwards all the way had been going very smooth and successful, before entering into the Geng Shen yun (start at age 75)
公历:1932年12月23日06时 虚岁:命主今年80岁
    偏财   偏财   日柱   正官   
乾造: 壬    壬    戊    乙
    申    子    午    卯    空亡(子丑)-
   正财  偏官  正官  偏印  正印  比肩  劫财  食神  
大运:癸丑  甲寅  乙卯  丙辰  丁巳  戊午  己未  庚申
实岁:05岁  15岁  25岁  35岁  45岁  55岁  65岁  75岁  
其实,无所谓身强或弱,也不分上下,以木火令其生气流动多活力为贵。运行东南,木火大运:甲寅-己未:15-74岁,好命好运, 人生几何!再看,其甲运虽犯官杀混杂之弊,但并非至危败之运,因甲坐寅支根受绊住无力,甲能扰乙官而未能夺官。既木火为喜用,其相反者即金水为忌神,如入庚申运,然人已临高龄七十多,无憾矣!
The feedback: 
since the member asked specific about whether the daymaster is determined as strong or weak, and what are the happy gid and useful god, and why so. This member surely knows the bazi science so why question was into technical-know-how. For the reason, my answer was into the technical ways, using the bazi jargons and terminology. Otherwise, I would avoid answering as such due to not easy for general public people understanding.


2015-03-22 - 了無居士



有個學命的朋友問道: 「我對於這類問題一直抱持著懷疑的態度,它們絕非今天才存在的,倔到今天才被提出,你說為什麼?」我說,何時才被提出並不重要,重要的是該不該提出;此外古代大師也許不覺得那是一個問題,因此船過水無痕。學命的朋友開始時幾乎什麼都不懂,因此頻頻探問為什麼是四柱而非五柱?為什麼只有五行而無六行?斗數為什麼要設那麼多宮位?為什麼要使用四化?當閣下懂得推論時,上述疑難雜症都將迎刃而解。


2015-03-23 - 衍易女史



《沉默》衰事連連 引出風水不佳說

《沉默》衰事連連 引出風水不佳說
2015/03/23 08:27

空間設計師眼中的 「開運風水」

空間設計師眼中的 「開運風水」

2015-03-19 聯合新聞網 設計家

【作者/張華承 圖片提供/欣磐石建築.空間規劃事務所】


Key Point 01 動線  出入順暢帶來愉快體驗與居家安全




Key Point 02 景觀  室內外連結拓展視野與空間尺度
傳統風水學認為「明堂」攸關居住者的前途。從空間設計的角度來看,「明堂」就是景觀。窗景越美,住起來越愉快;笑臉常開,運勢自然旺。大都會的高層住宅因周遭無擋,故能擁有極佳的明堂。然而,樓層越高,風壓就越大。當強風灌入屋內,門片不但常會砰地一聲猛然關上,擺在層板的物品也會被吹落,導致手被夾傷、被掉落物品砸到等意外。所以,在設計就避免動線產過於直接的空氣對流。若因現實條件而無法避免「穿堂風」;至少在裝修時也要盡量避免會讓物品被吹落的設計。比如,圖中的個案位於 17 樓。客廳就捨棄慣見的主牆,而是讓電視直接靠在玻璃窗面。這個方案除可避免主牆遮擋優越窗景,也預防了在主牆層板、檯面置物卻遭強風掀落的意外。


Key Point 03 開窗  大片窗面兼顧採光、通風與居住隱私


Key Point 04 收納  隱身於背景的大量櫃體打造清爽空間
身為醫生與教師的男女主人熱愛閱讀,他們的大量藏書裡有不少是大又厚重的原文書。欣磐石利用寬約 135 CM、長達五米的走道,打造全家人共用的書牆。為使這道櫃架看來不顯壓迫也不至於單調,芋香色層板搭配了斑馬紋木皮背牆,性格迥異的花色勾畫出活潑的空間層次。尺度不一的櫃格既適合不同開本的書,也帶來了韻律感。為求線條比例之美,有些層板的跨距超過了 60 CM;板材加厚並內植鐵件,即使放入整排厚重的醫學用書也不怕。
Key Point 05 鏡面  妥善掌握因映照而產生的空間魔法
主臥用 Tiffany 藍與純白打造出甜美、清新的新古典風情。空間配置講究對稱與均衡。然而,由於整棟大樓結構的關係,採光面在靠床頭的地方竟出現突兀的凹牆!欣磐石利用這個畸零空間配置出女主人專用的梳妝檯 。為避免梳妝鏡的映照會使人在潛意識感到不安,故運用落地窗簾來遮住整件家具。再輔以白色線板的ㄇ字造型框,順勢拉大了整道窗簾的面寬,讓這道原本左右不對稱的立面獲得完整。
同樣地,基於心理感受的考量,我們也能善用鏡面來放大空間感。圖中的廊道,寬度雖然是標準的 105 CM ,但由於毫無採光,再加上距離頗長,讓人覺得陰暗又狹窄。欣磐石在單側牆面貼上大面茶鏡,藉由鏡面反射來放大空間感並提升亮度。之所以選用茶鏡,是因為它的反射較溫和,大片的明鏡會顯得太刺眼。此案的餐廳(對照圖 Key Point 01 ) 也同樣地運用了茶鏡,鏡面可化解該空間稍嫌扁長的缺點。

A bazi case about marriage life crisis

A bazi case about marriage life crisis, for sharing

At about 4 years ago, occasionally i found a destiny forum website in china, considerable serious but still healthy atmosphere for discussion, i dropped by for a short period time participating in the bazi reading for life destiny enquiries from reader members.
As my reply always started with " i am not a da-si (big master) but just a visitor passed by and come across your enquiry, nevertheless i would like to share with my view foryour enquir ". Since then, many members began to address me as "pass-by da-si" requesting me for answering and viewpoints.
Below is one of the enquiry case.
Enquiry from a female member:
Birth info: 17 Oct 1972, 04:20, please check my 8 characters for whether my present marriage life can continue and last long as i do love my hubby vert much. as my hubby' was born in village, i was uncertain about his birth time so better not providing here.
Four pillars as follows:
Year month day time
    伤官   劫财   日柱   劫财   
坤造:  壬    庚    辛    庚 
Female 子    戌    巳    寅  空亡(申酉)
10-year luck cycle
大运:己酉 戊申 丁未 丙午 乙巳 甲辰 癸卯 壬寅  
实岁:03岁 13岁 23岁 33岁 43岁 53岁 63岁 73岁
My reply:
How are you, i just passed-by, since fated to see your enquiry, i would like to share my view in brief.
Since you entered into 2005-2014 丙午 ten-year luck cycle, your marriage love life has often been disturbed by third-parties resulting a lot of crash, quarrels, fights, breakdowns between you and your hubby, damaging the relationship. Nevertheless, as per your 4 pillars, showing your hubby star sits on the right palace for marriage, it indicated your hubby is still having his love and heart at you, so regardless of wind and rain and wave, both of you would still continue to be together and the marriage continues on too.
By 2015 you shall be entering into next 乙已 ten-year luck cycle, the situation by then wiuld be better. In the present bad situation where the life marriage for two cannot live just within the 2 person-world privately and peacefully, it would then require both side for mutual patient, give n take, and mutual trust on each other in order to carry on. Here, wish the love between both of love long last forever.
Member's response:
Thank you very much, lao-si (teacher), take care, happiness life. Your analysis is very accurate, my hubby by nature is certainly a good guy. As presently his mistress at outside is not a simple and easy lady to deal with, I worry about how long I could struggle on......
多年前 作客一大陆术数网站. 有一网友发问:
" 诚恳的跪请各位老师:女,1972年10月17日凌晨4:20分(公历),经度121度34分,不知和我老公婚姻能否继续,我真得很爱他,老公的八字,因为在农村出生,不太准的, 跪请各位大师请看一下. 请各位老师,看一下婚姻会长久吗,谢谢”
以下之八字 :
    伤官   劫财   日柱   劫财   
坤造:  壬    庚    辛    庚 
子    戌    巳    寅  空亡(申酉)
10-year luck cycle
大运:己酉 戊申 丁未 丙午 乙巳 甲辰 癸卯 壬寅  
实岁:03岁 13岁 23岁 33岁 43岁 53岁 63岁 73岁
我的回復: 你好,路过,随缘略说吧。你自2005年至2014年行丙午大运。婚姻虽常被外人干扰至感情多生枝节之争,然夫星坐夫宫正位有情于命主(女方),仍会俩人走在一起的。2015年进入乙已大运,会好点的,然夫妻生活本是俩人的实非如此宁静则需要双方互包容和信任对方。祝此情长久人长久。
网友的回復: "谢谢您,老师,祝你平平安安,幸福一生", " .......分析很准的,老公原来的确是不错的,目前就是这个小三很厉害的,我怕斗不过......"
Four years ago, I was still a banker as my prime profession, whereas chinese metaphysic was just secondary.as for personal interest and freelancing within my social network circle.

A bazi case about marriage luck

A bazi case about marriage luck, for sharing

At about 4 years ago, occasionally i found a destiny forum website in china, considerable serious but still healthy atmosphere for discussion, i dropped by for a short period time participating in the bazi reading for life destiny enquiries from reader members.As my reply always started with " i am not a da-si (big master) but just a visitor passed by and come across your enquiry, nevertheless i would like to share with my view foryour enquir ". Since then, many members began to address me as "pass-by da-si" requesting me for answering and viewpoints. Below is one of the enquiry case.
Enquiry from a female member in September:
May I ask the teachers here to check my marriage luck. Presently I am single. This year (2011) July I broke up with my bog friend whom we had been together for 1.5 year. Everytime I fell in love with someone often not smooth and successful way out. May I bother the bazi teachers here to check when my love luck will come and when my marriage will come. I do not wish to get hurt again, lost in love is really painful. 
Four pillars
              Year           Month         Day             Time
    正财   比肩   日柱   偏官   
坤造: 丁    壬    壬    戊
    卯    寅    子    申    空亡(寅卯)
10-years luck cycle
大运:癸卯  甲辰  乙巳  丙午  丁未  戊申  己酉  庚戌  
始于:1987  1997 2007 2017  2027  2037 2047  2057   
My reply:
How are you, i just passed-by, since fated to see your enquiry, i would like to share my view in brief.
As per yr bazi, the boy friend you broke off in July this year, you first met and knew him in last year at end of Spring, then getting close and hot with each fast in short period of time. However, by Autumn-Winter both of you gradually realised each other having big different in characters, interests and temper, the used-to-be hot close relationship was since then cooling down into distance.
Since the love feel and emotion had been cooling off, his heart at you was already away,, you ever tried all efforts to retain and maintain but no longer into effect. So, the broke-off in July was a final decision to let go.If two beings love each other into together and marriage are destined, there would be no need to force each other into it, where both already realised the fact at having unmatched character, interest and temper. (# 1. see the member's reply at the bottom)
In fact you can ask yourself honestly whether he was really the type and the ideal one for marriage throughout your life. (#2)
Both of you met-up accidentally at the time when both had been long in plain and mono color living then into fast accepting each others with excitements and fun from talks and get-together. Due to after a period of time you already got too-used to having him around and together, now all of a sudden without him, you feel emptiness and lost as not yet used to so but also unwilling to release and let go.(#3) 
In fact, he had been long unable to tolerate your bad temper and others, thats why led to his decisive broke-off in July. (#4)  
If my analysis is wrong and offensive, please accept my appologies so. (#5)
Your true love would have to wait till 2016, by then wedding may happen within 2 years. You are very young, why not go enjoying the freedom and fun life from being young single, the life-time love partner can be slowly and surely for choosing, hurry and rush do not help any to it.
Here, wish you best of luck
Tien Sum
The member replied on next day:
# 1. Yes, because of our characters, interest and temper unmatch, we often had quarrels and conflicts. Therefore, unable to go on further.
# 2. Correct, while the time I was still having him around me, I was looking for and forwards if a better one might come to me.
#3. Because I had been giving out too much, now much or less feeling uneasy and sorrow for such let-go so. But we were surely not just for games and funs bringing us together.
#4. Correct, my temper was very bad, and often threw complaints to him.
#5. Teacher,  what you said above was very accurate.
May I ask teacher to check again for really  so my true-love one will come in 2016, by 2018 wedding? I wish not to be hurt again as now i know how the pain likes.
My reply:
No problem, as by 2017 you would be entering into a new 10-years luck cycle (丙午). As forecasted, by the time wedding will take place, how could it be heart-hurting. You should have confidential on yourself, however, bearing in mind you need to more effects on retreating and control your bad temper. As guys naturally love faces (digity), mutual respects and patient and step-back for each others have to be maintained. This would also be to avoid hurting each other.
The member replied:
Thank you, teacher for your direction guide.
多年前 作客一大陆术数网站. 有一网友发问:
    正财   比肩   日柱   偏官   
坤造: 丁    壬    壬    戊
    卯    寅    子    申    空亡(寅卯)
大运:癸卯  甲辰  乙巳  丙午  丁未  戊申  己酉  庚戌  
始于:1987  1997  2007  2017  2027  2037  2047  2057 
你好,我只路过的,试略为推算。你今年7月分手的男友,是在前年约春季尾认识,属快热,但至秋冬渐感性格脾气差异而生距离降温。然而感情早已冷, 他心已早离开,, 你曾经尝试挽留也没有用, 7月分手去意已决。姻缘天定,何必强求,况且性格不合,你可实自问,他老实非你内心所祈望理想的终身伴侣型,只为机遇于当时能互诉玩乐解闷吧, 又习惯了, 而突然失去,有点不甘心又失落吧 。然而你的脾气性格令他受不了, 导致早点分手。若有说错得罪,请原谅!真命天子,要等到2016而俩年内婚嫁可达。你尚年青,可多享受自由玩乐人生,终身伴侣可慢慢来选择,也急不了。在此祝你好运!!
你今年7月分手的男友,是在前年约春季尾认识,属快热,但至秋冬渐感性格脾气差异而生距离降温。然而感情早已冷, 他心已早离开,, 你曾经尝试挽留也没有用, 7月分手去意已决。姻缘天定,何必强求,况且性格不合,(是的我们就是因为性格不合,争执多所以走不下去)你可实自问,他老实非你内心所祈望理想的终身伴侣型,(正确,我跟他一起时也在寻觅更好的另一半)只为机遇于当时能互诉玩乐解闷吧, 又习惯了, 而突然失去,有点不甘心又失落吧 。(因为付出了,多少都有点不甘心,但是绝对没有是为了玩乐解闷而一起的)然而你的脾气性格令他受不了, 导致早点分手。(正确,我脾气很不好,又经常抱怨他)若有说错得罪,请原谅!(老师说得很正确)真命天子,要等到2016而俩年内婚嫁可达。你尚年青,可多享受自由玩乐人生,终身伴侣可慢慢来选择,也急不了。在此祝你好运!!

How to decide on choosing face or astrology reading or divination at time of doubt on destiny?

How to decide on choosing face or astrology reading or divination  at time of  doubt on destiny?

How to decide on choosing face or astrology reading or divination  at time of  doubt on destiny?
Great chinese metaphysic master Wei Qian Li (1911-1988 ) had written his opinion and suggestion in his book titled "Brief Talk about Destiny", and now extracted below for sharing:
Chinese astrology (eg. Bazi, zi wei dou shu)  could read a person's entire life for overall luck in good or bad.
Face reading could disclose a person's ad-hoc, next near moment luck or bad incident sooner to happen. 
Therefore, if wish to know a person's future for overall luck,  chinese astrology reading would be most appropiate.
If wish to know the recent and next moment luck,  face reading might be able to expore some amazing signs and message for so. 
If  come across doubts and hesitations at upfront decision to make on  various options,  choices, opportunity for a specific event or activity, the divination (eg. using I-ching, ) would enable an immediate direction for decision.
All these chinese metaphysic methodology seem having similar objective for forecasting the future, their nature of applicaion for usages are not the same.
如何選擇應去找 看相? 批命? 占卜?
近代盛名命理大師 韋千里先生 在其蓍作 《命運談屑 》 有以下可参考:

Bazi science - Brief talk (3) about 5 elements inter-relationship into create , destroy, restraint and defuse. 八字學 之 五行5剋制化 (3)

Bazi science - Brief talk (3) about 5 elements inter-relationship into create , destroy, restraint and defuse.  八字學 之 五行5剋制化 (3)

<Yuan Hai Zi Ping> , there is a chapter talking about the 5 elements inter-relationship with each other in terms of the chemical effects into create (or give birth or produce) , destroy, restraint and defuse, with examples for illustration.
- Metal produces water, but too much water would be the metal to sink.
- Water feeds wood, but too much wood would be the water to retreat (drying up)
- Wood lights up fire, but too much fire would burn the wood into ashes.
- Fire produces earth, but too much earth would bury down the fire.
- Earth produces metal, but too much metal would change the earth. (to metal)
渊海子平 - 《论五行5剋制化》  
you may interpretate the above scenario into the bazi-10 gods method to see the relationship and impact among the DR IR (direct resource, indirect resource) and the Daymaster, and SE SB (self-elements, sibling elements) for understanding.