


香港家辦|原定今日開幕儀式 承諾5億美元設立家族辦公室 杜拜王子有急事提早離港

杜拜酋長侄兒Sheikh Ali Rashed Ali Saeed Al Maktoum,近日高調公佈將投資5億美金(約39億港元)在香港設立家族辦公室,並原定於今日開幕,惟《南華早報》指,王子於昨晚出席港府活動後,因為「有急事」要回國處理,因此暫緩開幕儀式。


Sheikh Ali Rashed Ali Saeed Al Maktoum的家族辦公室指將會在亞洲物色新能源、人工智能、電動車、金融科技等投資機會,並入股內地公司四川中唐空鐵。南華早報指,獲阿聯酋領事館確認王子「來自統治家族」,但搜尋網上資料,其他事蹟提及的並不多。王子本周到訪香港,獲香港政府高規格接待,並於星期二與行政長官李家超會面。本周王子的家辦亦公佈與香港恒生大學簽署合作備忘錄,在可持續項目合作,前者將提供獎學金等支持。



KL ranked fourth best city in Asia-Pacific

KL ranked fourth best city in Asia-Pacific, Langkawi and Penang in top 10 island getaways

The Sun

KUALA Lumpur was recently ranked as the fourth best city in the Asia-Pacific. And it doesn’t stop there! Langkawi and Penang were listed in top 10 islands in the Asia-Pacific.

These rankings were according to DestinAsian’s 17th Annual Readers’ Choice Awards. DestinAsian is a travel magazine dedicated to the Asia-Pacific area.

The 17th annual survey encourages readers to vote on their favorite vacation destinations, such as hotels, towns, islands, and airlines.

KL made a statement as the fourth favorite city, along with the likes of Bangkok, Tokyo, and Singapore.

Here are the top 10 favourite cities thus far:

1. Bangkok, Thailand

2. Tokyo, Japan

3. Singapore

4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

5. Hong Kong

6. Seoul, South Korea

7. Sydney, Australia

8. Shanghai, China

9. Taipei, Taiwan

10. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Below are the top ten island getaways:

1. Bali, Indonesia

2. Maldives

3. Phuket, Thailand

4. Koh Samui, Thailand

5. Boracay, Philippines

6. Phu Quoc, Vietnam

7. Langkawi, Malaysia

8. Penang, Malaysia

9. Palawan, Philippines

10. Lombok, Indonesia

Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Malaysia Airlines have also been deemed among the best in the world.