來源:中時電子報 |
2015-07-16 - 易奇文化 |
大方,應是男人最重要的品質之一。每個女人都希望自己的男人大方大氣,只有大方大氣的男人,才會有真正的寬容之心。與之相反的,是小氣。那麼大方與小氣在命理上是怎樣表現出來的呢?李澤順老師來為大家分析分析。 一、出手大方的男人 1、財入庫被刑沖者。財入庫被刑沖,這樣的人會把已放在錢庫裏的錢拿出來花或做投資,組合得當的八字遇見這個情況,就是很會掙錢的人,也很會花錢,這樣的人不會做守財奴。 2、食神有力不被破壞者。食神有力,指身旺而食神能生財,這樣的人不守舊,曉得要進財必要先給予,屬於投資高手,性情不屬於固執型,所以待人接物都很到位,該花的都會絕不吝嗇。 3、柱中羊刃、劫財多或比劫出幹者。八字裏羊刃、劫財多的人有錢捂不住,不花掉就總是感覺坐立不安;羊刃、劫財多的人重視義氣,朋友多,對錢財看得淡。 4、偏財在天干或正偏財同透天干者。財透天干,代表命主把錢露在外面,喜歡顯示自己很有錢的性情;偏財代表錢來得容易,不覺得花得惋惜,所以也就花錢大手大腳,顯得很豪放,這樣的人常常人緣不錯。 二、節儉吝嗇的男人 1、傷官重者 傷官是生財之源,傷官重的八字必定比劫弱,日主多為身弱,沒法掌控住機會,好高務遠,不切實際,必定掙錢不多,入不敷出,這樣的人哪有錢大方啊! 2、正偏印過旺者 印多則克制食傷,八字裏的財星是靠食傷來生的,既然印多,則克制住了財的來源,錢財就不會多,進而就顯示出命主沒有錢花;另外一個方面,印多的人比較自私,會自我保護,包括對自己的錢財的保護意識,所以也不會大手大腳花錢的。 3、日幹與正財相合者 正財代表工薪或細水長流式的正常收入,具有可預感性,屬於辛苦勞動所得,自然不會捨得亂花;日幹再與之相合,說明命主把這些錢捂得很緊,生怕失去;所以,這樣的情況下,命主都顯得特別節儉,乃至吝嗇。 4、財星入墓無刑沖且比劫少者 財星入墓的墓字,財星旺的時候可看著庫,財星弱的時候才看成墓。財星旺的時候,命主一有錢就拿到庫裏存起了,不肯拿出來花,所以有八字裏見財庫有錢能存之說;財星弱的時候,說明命主錢財不多,有點錢就趕快捂著捨不得拿出來花。比劫少,說明朋友少,為何朋友少?由於命主吝嗇才沒甚麼朋友。 【李澤順老師】 |
八十年代在香港從事金融業,也開始中國術數研究和實用。數年後遷至新加坡協助一歐洲國際銀行成立亞太區科技總部。工作上走遍歐亞洲各主要城市,更在數地居往工作頗長歲月。 天心之名始於MSN術數論壇,後在數個中港術數网。2006年於Yahoo 建立[玄玄雜談]blog累積拜訪人次高達27萬。2014年初搬至隨意窩(xuite.net)後全遷到這网。2015年參與歐洲職業網Xing.com的Feng shui group,以英文術數文章交流。2021年中在Linkedin. com上成立了Fengshui Group 古中國術數同道研究組作交流平台。又,於2021年3月始在 MeWe平台上發表。自2022年始也涉及評論亞洲金融和經濟與玄學相關新聞話題。 個人熱愛研究中國術數,閱讀古今書籍,寫作,間以業餘顧問式助人為樂。愛食干炒牛河, 飲靚啤酒, 聽中西古今各類音樂。現也在退休專研傳統術數學了。
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來源:中時電子報 不孕症與陽宅風水的關係
來源:中時電子報 |
不孕症與陽宅風水的關係 |
2015-07-17 - 陳巃羽老師 |
30年前,台灣不孕比例約7.7%,而今根據衛生署的資料統計,在台灣不孕夫妻的比例已約佔15%,不孕的原因很多,在醫學上把它們歸納為:晚婚、生活壓力大、環境污染、性病氾濫… 以本門陽宅秘法,三元納氣法的角度來看,也可發現一些端倪,在民國53年以前,是所謂的上元運,當時所納的衰氣是『乾』、『兌』、『艮』、『離』,這四個衰氣與不孕全無關連。 民國53年以後,變成下元運,現在的衰氣變成『坎』、『坤』、『震』、『巽』,這四個衰氣中就有三個(坎、坤、巽)是與不孕有關的,難怪就算醫學愈來愈進步,不孕的比例卻愈來愈多。 八方收衰氣會罹患的疾病 坎氣(北方):耳疾、腎病、膀胱病、生殖系統疾病、尿道病、子宮、卵巢等婦女病、血液疾病、心理病、不孕、流產… 坤氣(西南):腹病、脾胃疾病、精神病、邪症、皮膚病、胃癌、不孕、流產、坐骨神經病、憂鬱症、易老化… 震氣(東方):肝病、甲狀腺亢進、頭痛作響、腳氣疾、神經痛… 巽方(東南):膽病、坐骨神經痛、股病、乳病、中風、風疾、流產、產厄、感冒、腰酸背痛… 乾氣(西北):頭痛、腦疾、肺病、骨病、大腸症、心臟… 兌氣(西方):口喉病、肺病、啞吧、兔唇、大腸病、呼吸系統、骨折、花柳病… 艮氣(東北):鼻病、關節炎、結石、便秘、血管阻塞、腰痛、脾胃病、駝背。 離氣(南方):眼病、心臟病、灼傷、燙傷、心律不整、皮膚斑疹、藥物過敏… 因為床位納到衰氣無法生育,經調整為納旺氣後就順利生產的例子很多,我舉一例說明之: 曹先生,其妻曾流產,觀其陽宅雖然是子山午向,但他們的床位並沒有收到離氣,而是收到坤氣,難怪會流產,將其床位往屋後挪,讓其外氣納離氣,內氣納乾兌氣,果然改後不到半年,就順利懷孕,而且懷孕及生產過程都相當順利,小男生現在已經讀國中一年級了。 |
Daily Fortune (copied from internet)
2015-07-02. Korean Times
(308) Daily Fortune
(308) Daily Fortune
By Janet Shin
Have you tried fortune cookies? I used to enjoy reading messages on the small slips of paper, popped out from inside the crispy cookies. In those days, they were not sold at any Korean stores or restaurants. Actually they were served as a dessert in some Chinese restaurants in the United States or other Asian countries. It didn’t matter who sold them, but the short memos often referred to the day’s happenings, although we knew they were just random sentences. They were sometimes famous Chinese phrases or aphorisms to teach people to do good deeds.
In the event of an important business meeting, people may reflect on what is written in the fortune cookie messages for fun. The messages also contain some lucky numbers or colors, and even suggestions on what clothes to wear. I would put on certain colors guided by them and sit next to someone who had my lucky signs. There was no harm in doing that.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t a routine to try and follow the advice of the fortune cookies because most of time they were just for fun, or advice to follow once in awhile. By the way, many people nowadays read their “daily fortunes” in newspapers and on web sites. They are based on oriental zodiac signs, meaning the animal symbols of one’s birth year, while Western horoscopes are based on one’s birth constellation signs. People may want to compare the fortune telling of the oriental zodiac ways with that of Western astrology, but actually the basis for the two are not identical. Strictly speaking, both are considered rather pseudo-science.
Anyway, the oriental zodiac daily fortune is composed according to one’s birth year of either the lunar or solar calendar, while that of Western horoscopes is tied to birth months. Obviously, both can’t be elaborated upon because there are not much data used in getting the results, whereas saju, by comparison, has eight elements to yield one’s full life stories. Yet, the daily fortune seems to be the most familiar way of greeting a day. Some even say that they are quite accurate.
Why do people want to refer to their daily fortunes? Is it because they are logical and scientific? Do people find any validity behind them? We all agree that the answer is ‘no.’ It may be owing to humans’ instinctive infatuation for divination. Fortune telling is required for certain events when people have a hard time making decisions, not only for their significance but for their ambiguity. There are many instances in which people need someone else’s advice in order not to be biased and at least they want to evade the sense of guilt when things don’t go well. They may just utter a sigh of regret but won’t be blamed. It is only caused by their luck or bad luck instead of prejudice or malice.
Everybody begins the day without knowing what will really happen. Owing to the advancement of science and technology, weather forecasts tell us if it’s going to rain and what the temperature will be so that we can be prepared in how we dress and whether to take an umbrella. But there is still a lot of uncertainty, which can be serious when you are dealing with crucial issues. That bothers contemporary people a lot.
It would have been worse in ancient times, when there were frequent attacks of wild animals and unpredictable climates. This urged primitive men to seek a divination and its manual and tools.
It is a human nature, derived from ancient culture, to do fortune telling, and the daily fortune may be most frequently read divination around the world nowadays. It may be similar to the fun of fortune cookies. While the fortune cookies do not refer to any data related to yourself, the daily fortune is achieved by certain signs of your birth, influenced by the sun and the moon activities in association with other planets in the universe. What is your fortune today?
Guang Dong Xian Kong - San Xing Pai Long Jue 廣東玄空 - 三星排龍訣
Posted in: xing.com Feng Shui in der Praxis
Apart from the nowadays commonly known and use San Yuan Xian Kong Flying Star lineage, Xian Kong Da Gua, Xian Kong Liu Jue, there is one more renown Xian Kong lineage of the Guang Dong stream which has discovered and mastering an ancient feng shui method named " San Xing Pai Long Jue 廣東玄空 - 三星排龍訣". Nowadays, the "Pai Long Jue" has been integreted with the Flying star method by some Xian Kong masters including the Chung Chou Pai and the Kong zhi Xian Kong Pai, to comprehend the analysis for yin and yang mansions feng shui.
Below is a brief introduction for the Xian Kong lineage and its San Xing Pai Jui. The article was originally written in Chinese by me at some time ago.
Mr. Choi Min Shan was a reputable feng shui master and TCM master in the China Ching Dynasty. His birth year is unknown but died in the year of 1851. Master Choi was the founder of Guang Dong Pai Xian Kong which was one of the renown 6 lineages of San Yuan Xian Kong feng shui xue pai at the mid-Ching Dynasty period.
蔡岷山先生,清代著名堪輿家,術數家。生年不詳,卒 於公元1851年(咸豐辛亥年)乃清朝中晚期中國最具盛名玄空風水六大派之一廣東派的始祖。
Mr. Choi Min Shan was a reputable feng shui master and TCM master in the China Ching Dynasty. His birth year is unknown but died in the year of 1851. Master Choi was the founder of Guang Dong Pai Xian Kong which was one of the renown 6 lineages of San Yuan Xian Kong feng shui xue pai at the mid-Ching Dynasty period.
蔡岷山先生,清代著名堪輿家,術數家。生年不詳,卒 於公元1851年(咸豐辛亥年)乃清朝中晚期中國最具盛名玄空風水六大派之一廣東派的始祖。
One of the greatest contributions from Master Choi was, he had broken the mystery of one ancient classical feng shui method "pai Long Jue" described hiddenly in several feng shui literature 《青囊奧語》《青囊序》《天玉經》《都天寶照經》《青囊經》 written in over thousand years ago, howver noone had been successfully to break through it including the founder of Xian Kong Flying Star lineage, Master Shen 沈竹礽 .
蔡岷山先生其中一極大貢獻是破解了一千多年來,一直被風水界視為莫大天機的排龍立穴訣。這古訣在《青囊奧語》《青囊序》《天玉經》《都天寶照經》《青囊經》 都隱晦而述,一直以來都沒人能悟懂,就連清未另一玄空大家,奠定今天玄空飛星學大師 沈竹礽先生 也未能其意。
Though Master Choi had discovered this "Pai Long Jiu" method, he did not leave any detailed written explanatory for it. Till the modern age time in 1950-60 in Hong Kong, the Master Wu Shi Qing 吳師青 and Master Kong Zhao Sou 孔昭蘇 had done deep study on Choi 's advocated feng shui theory and methodology, thereafter provided it with detailed explanatory notes. Since then, the "Pai Long Jiu" has been known and getting importance in the San Yuan Xian Kong feng shui society and circles.
蔡岷山雖䆁破而披露了此訣,但並未明解。但后經香港近代風水大師 吳師青先生,孔昭蘇先生 (後移居台灣 )研習蔡氏之學,對此訣進行更詳細的解說,才被世人所認識和重視。
蔡岷山雖䆁破而披露了此訣,但並未明解。但后經香港近代風水大師 吳師青先生,孔昭蘇先生 (後移居台灣 )研習蔡氏之學,對此訣進行更詳細的解說,才被世人所認識和重視。
Some said, the Chung Chou Pai Xian Kong Xue Grandmaster Wang Ting Zhi 王亭之 in Hong Kong continued with further studies on the "Pai Long Jiu" after the aforesaid Master Wu and Master Kong, has come to some breakthrough on the understanding and application use for it. So, his efforts has made the "Pai Long Jue" more well-known to the outside world.
據聞, 香港《中州派玄空學》 宗師 香港王亭之先生 續吳孔氏後,更深参透釋意此訣,再使此訣廣流傳天下。
據聞, 香港《中州派玄空學》 宗師 香港王亭之先生 續吳孔氏後,更深参透釋意此訣,再使此訣廣流傳天下。
As per the feng shui literature 《 地理辨正求真 》 wriiten by Master Choi , it could be easily found Mr Choi's seriousness and how much time and efforts on breaking through those mystery poem notes written for the hidden feng shui methodology in those ancient classical literatures 青囊, 天王、都天等經. He was unlike the other feng shui masters at his time, just blindly critized the San He Pai 三合法 for their mis-interpretion on those ancient literature for the feng shui methodology, nor he blindly praised and followed the advocated interpretations of Grandmaster Chiang Dai Xiong for those ancient literatures. Therefore, Master Choi had provided great contributions to San Yuan Xian Kong so as to enable this ancient feng shui methodology "Pai Long Jiu" passing on from thousand years ago to nowadays.
從蔡岷山大師所著的《 地理辨正求真 》可看到他認真研究態度和心血所在, 他意不在扁三合法和盲奉蔣學論, 是用以破解青囊, 天王、都天等經之迷訣, 銳意去貫通為用吧。也因此, 其排龍訣也得流傳至今, 實對三元玄空學有大貢獻。
從蔡岷山大師所著的《 地理辨正求真 》可看到他認真研究態度和心血所在, 他意不在扁三合法和盲奉蔣學論, 是用以破解青囊, 天王、都天等經之迷訣, 銳意去貫通為用吧。也因此, 其排龍訣也得流傳至今, 實對三元玄空學有大貢獻。
Below are the explanatory of Master Wu, Master Kong and Master Wang for the set-up methods of the "Pai Long Jiu":
Instead of a direct translation for the below poems of methodoligy , which would not mean anything to everyone here. I would make a summary for more informative way:
As per the last paragraph of the below Chung Chou Xian Kong Xue poem, it has spoken out the purpose of the Pai Long Jue: when selecting land and construction for yin and yang mansions, the facing and sitting direction and position should not be taking randomly without a structural way, the "Pai Long Jue" should be used first according to the onsite mountain dragon and the water mouth llandscape location to identify where are the good prosperous direction and poaitiin for the yin and yang mansion's facing and sitting. This is to ensure the geographical environment landscape as being the early heavenly pre-conditions are ok, prior to the use of flying star (or 9-star) methods as being the late-heavenly conditions for finalisation.
龍上山山起破軍,向中吉凶細心分,右廉破武貪狼 位,疊疊挨加破左文,破巨祿存星十二,時師此訣未曾聞,師青廣發慈悲念,救世金鍼度與 君。是書緣楊公正教先賢,秘而不宣,後人不解者多矣,故予作此書求合經意,非有異也, 不過補前人未言之隱微,闡先賢秘中之秘云爾。句句揣摩,方得其義,何異千書萬卷乎。
龍上山山起破軍,向中吉凶細心分,右廉破武貪狼 位,疊疊挨加破左文,破巨祿存星十二,時師此訣未曾聞,師青廣發慈悲念,救世金鍼度與 君。是書緣楊公正教先賢,秘而不宣,後人不解者多矣,故予作此書求合經意,非有異也, 不過補前人未言之隱微,闡先賢秘中之秘云爾。句句揣摩,方得其義,何異千書萬卷乎。
龍上山山起破軍,破軍向上定乾坤。右廉武破貪狼位,疊疊挨加破左文。破軍祿存星十二,時師此訣未曾聞。有緣洞徹三星訣,陸地 神仙便是君。排龍立穴三星訣(又名都天大卦)為審龍立穴消水之訣法。凡龍合向,向合水之 陰陽宅,必是真龍正結,否則假結。
龍上山山起破軍,破軍向上定乾坤。右廉武破貪狼位,疊疊挨加破左文。破軍祿存星十二,時師此訣未曾聞。有緣洞徹三星訣,陸地 神仙便是君。排龍立穴三星訣(又名都天大卦)為審龍立穴消水之訣法。凡龍合向,向合水之 陰陽宅,必是真龍正結,否則假結。
《中州派玄空學》:Chung Chou Pai Xian Kong Xue
龍對山山起破軍,破軍順逆兩頭分。右廉破武貪狼位,疊疊挨加破左文。破巨祿存星十二,七凶五吉定乾坤。支兼幹出真龍貴,須從入首認其 真。
龍對山山起破軍,破軍順逆兩頭分。右廉破武貪狼位,疊疊挨加破左文。破巨祿存星十二,七凶五吉定乾坤。支兼幹出真龍貴,須從入首認其 真。
擇地營造陰陽二宅者,並非可以任意選取方向,必先用排龍訣,依據其山龍或三叉水 口,審定了吉方位,即斷定此宅之先天本質或本體屬吉,依據其安星(挨星法)及其他設計。 此是甄別宅地首要條件之大秘法,所以有異於一般堪輿風水法則。
In the Pai Long Jue methodology, first is to identify where is the mountain dragon and water mouth locations and into which luopan mountain. The yin and yang classification for the Pai Long Jue 24 moutains is different from the general xian kong luopan and method, it classified the Earthly Branch moutains as yin, the rests are yang. With this yin yang definition to determine the 9 stars flying at clockwise or anti-clockwise to fill into a plate of 12 palaces , where one palace is occupied with 2 luopan mountains. In the Pai Long Jue, the 5 stars 貪狠, 巨門, 武曲, 左輔, 右弼 are defined as good lucky stars for use, whereas the 4 stars 碌存, 文曲, 廉貞, 破軍 are defined as bad lucky stars to avoid.
A sample of "Pai Long Jue" plate is provided below, for a case of the mountain dragon locates at the 辰支 EB is yin so clockwise flying for stars into the respective palace. Here, I am not going further into the foundations, steps, formula and rules for how to practically use it for yin and yan mansions, as it may touch the conflict of interests when such information content are being included in those seminars or workshops or lessions offered to interesting parties and learners.

英科學家警告地球步入小冰河期星島日報 2小時前
扎爾科娃(Valentina Zharkova)教授及其研究團隊,在會上介紹他們研發的太陽活動周期新模型,該模型關注太陽兩個層面的發電機效應,一個是靠近太陽表面,另一個是深入太陽的對流區;預測太陽活動將在約二○三○年減少六成,屆時地球將很有可能進入「小冰河期」。
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