Posted in: Four Pillars of Destiny in der Praxis
A true live case about bazi reading for sharing
(The original article was.written and posted on, in May 2014. )
10 over years ago I was running a bank consulting project in Jakarta , Indonesia required me stationing there for one year long. During this period, I often had my lunch, dinner and weekend morning tea in one chinese restaurant at the World Trade Centre due to location convenience. For the reason, I came to know the restaurant manager well as both were HongKonger. At about 2 years later, he returned to Hong Kong for new job. In the first few years whenever I visited Hong Kong, I would spare some time to catch up with him for life and career going. After that, we lost contact as both were busy. Nevertheless, he could be locatable in Facebook.
Time flies. This year 7 Jan 2014 night(癸已年十二月 初七), just like a flashlight in my mind, I suddenly thought of this out-of-contact friend wondering how he was doing recently. I took out his birthday and time info which I collected at long last time in Indonesia, and arranged into 4 pillars for a brief analysis to explore any clues from it. Rightafter my analysis at that night, I sent via Facebook a message to him, said " My old friend, how are you, next lunar year 甲午年 (Feb 2014 onwards), as per my bazi reading, you would be having very good luck in career and money. You very soon would have a new high-salary job which brings you a big job promotion with big salary increase. This should be happening in the first half year, specially in period of Spring season. Congratulation in advance to you so"
Unexpected, within 20 min, my friend replied thru Facebook to me, saying "Really thank you so much. Yes, I shall be in April ( 甲午年三月, within Spring season)flying to Dubai for taking up a new job. " Chatting with him further, I came to know that he got an high-salary higher-position job offer with full expatriate package for housing and other benefits.
My friend said to me also, he still had some hestiations on really taking up this job due to completely brand new country and cultural working and living enviroment to him, as well as from the new job role and responsibility seem challenging.
I replied him no worries as in this year he would be in very good smooth luck, so should be confident and just relax to go for it. Besides, he was in the 10 year-luck cycle (丁酉大運) , which should be not bad.
Last, he thanked me and invited me back in Hong Kong for dinner and beer, prior to his departure for Dubai.
By now (May 30 2014), my friend has been with his new job in Duibai for one-two months. On Facebook, I could see his update telling all his friends about his new living and job going well, happy and smooth. I feel so glad for him too.His 4 pillars: 丙午(year pillar), 壬辰(month pillar), 庚申(day pillar), XX(hour pillar not to disclosed for privacy ), now on 丁酉 (10 year luck cycle)
十幾年前我曾在印尼實地担任顧問工作一年多, 期間因常走到鄰近的世界贸易中心內的港式酒家吃晚飯和週未早茶, 結識了其經理老板也香港人, 十分健談投綠。及後, 他回港發展了, 首幾年還間中當返港時會盡量抽空來聚聊一番, 之後近數年已無再聯絡上了, 只知他在FB有户口聯系。
今年 7 Jan 2014 (癸已年十二月 初七), 突然想起此老友及想知他近况如何, 便拿出他的八字来試畧推测出點訊息。在當天晚上即在FB發了個訊息給他, ” X老兄, 你好, 明年是甲午年, 於我推算, 你正会旺气財官, 即事業職位和财運均旺躍進升, 應驗會在上半年尤在春月。先預祝你前程似錦, 财運享通。。!”
意想不到, 老友即在FB回覆, ” 真的謝謝你哦 !剛剛好,我會的April月份 ( 甲午年三月)去中東杜拜上任新職位” 。再交談之下, 得知是被高薪禮聘過去, 也有遷移和居屋和其它津貼。老友又説, 對此新地域和新職位有點擔心猶豫。 我答説, 不用擔心因你明年大旺,故可放膽去幹 你現行丁酉大運,應是不錯的。
最後, 老友客氣一番還叫我在他離港前回來聚舊下他請晚飯啤酒。
至今, 老友现已在杜拜上任了一個多月, 在FB上告知各老友们, 他新工作和生活一切愉快顺利。 我也感到快慰。他八字是 :丙午年 壬辰月 庚申日 XX時(恕不便公閞 ), 现行丁酉大運。
In fact, in March 2014 I had back to Hong Kong for holiday, and I met up my friend in one night. Over dinner and beer, I repeated the same fortune forecast as already told him earlier, additionally he would have a job change in 2015. My friend was surprised so, immediately said to me, seem not possible so due to this new job was a permanent position special offered by his ex-boss also being very good friend of him. I said, by the time would know.
On 12 March I sent a catch-up message to him. He said, "how amazing you are, you ever told me that one year later would change job, again your forecast seem coming true as now I have begun looking for new jobs already.
