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已故名师 关风翔有一实例记录以下。 Below an old live yang mansion fengshui case extracted from the hand notes of mr kwan fung cheong (already passed away), a highly reputable fengshui master in hong kong since the 60th old days.
發生兇殺案的住宅研究 (an inauspicious abode (murder) case study)
Yang mansion feng shui application nowadays, as per the proven accurate traditional methods till now the moden living age, would require to look into the mansion shape, mansion yun and mansion owner for matching and analysis. So, this means, the relationship among the space, time and human. The "space" refers to geographical and surrounding environment and the location, the building structure and shape, direction and the the location direction concerned. The "time" refers to the time period when the building contruction is complete for usage and living. The "human" refers to the mansion owner/occupant's birth year life (fall into which 5 elements, or 9 star or or 8 trigram) and the time period (yuan, yun, years) they are living there.
Recently a client bought a residental aparrment unit and appointed me (master kwan) for fengshui advice. The client is in progress of renovation and removal preparation. The apartment address is 香港銅鑼灣琉璃街三號,apartment name is 向南樓,the concerned apartment unit is on 10th floor at block A. The apartment is a high-rise type building , each storey consists of 3 units, two units Block A and B at the front and one unit Block C at their back behind. The one I am expected to look into is Block A whuch locates on the right side. The unit is structured with 3 sides unattached to neighbour units and one side connected to the common yard and staircase location sharing with the other two unit blocks on the same floor. Geographical surrounding environment is nothing special, the unit facing as per luopan is 坐子向午兼壬丙一分, main door position at GEN palace 艮位, master bedroom position at KUN palace坤位,kitchen position at QIAN palace 乾位,sitting hall position at XUN palace 巽位and ZHEN palace震位,dining hall position at DUI palace 兌位。
The building belongs to 6th yun 中元六運. Master kwan said, the ex-owner of this apartment unit was having very prosperity luck in money since stayed in, had made a wealth prior to his removal out. Master kwan suggested his client, the new owner for renovation, to reduce the size of the kitchen contracting towards the right low corner, so as to give more space to the main door entrance area for improving the intake and storage of the qi good for wealth. Master kwan said also, the neighbour unit Block B is locked so seems idle and noone living in there , however the main door position at KAN palace 坎位,is considered as an inauspicious and bad luck abode 凶宅也.
The new owner of block A unit said, last lunar year 12th month a murdering incident had happened in the block B unit.
Master kwan asked, was the unit owner with surname kwan? The reply was yes. Master kwan said, that unit owner came from the same tribe of him, name 楊枝. 1954 that person came with his brother from Vietnam to Hong Kong, both were inherited rich from their father, therefore owned many properties in Hong Kong. Last lunar year 12th month, one of the day at 4:00pm, his 8 years okd son back home from school but the door was locked and noone responded inside. So the young child went to his schoolmate home nearby to call up his grand mother for help. Her grand mother replied his his mother was not at her place so sent her 2nd daughter to pick up her nephew. This child brought his aunt to the unit knocking door for quite awhile, however still no response. His aunt began worrying so approached the apartment security guard to look for help if any locksmith nearby. The security guard eventually called up the police for assistance.
Finally the door was opened, two dead bodies were found inside, they were the parents of the child. Both were found being stabbed at several place of their bodies so blood was all over the sitting hall. The tea table was still.having two cups of tea, so suspected someone they knew was visiting them, and for unknown reason the visitor triggered the murdering. As inside the unit everything were found tidy and no lost so opted out the possibility of robbering. On subsequent days this murder case was reported in several newspaper in details. However, by now this murder case is still open for investigation.
Master kwan based on his understanding on the layout of the 10th floor block A unit, to make an evaluation for the Block B unit. Since the block B unit locates at the left side on 10th floor, the main door position at luopan mountain "ZI" 子位,master bedroom at XUN巽位。
Although by now (7th YUN) the Block A unit is no longer at the timely Yun, the main door at GEN palace is still taking the good qi, with the double stars in front雙星到向, matched with 7 stars robbing method 七星打劫, ZHEN LI QIAN palaces with yun stars 3,6,9, Li Side is no blocking, QIAN side is kitchen, ZHEN side is the sitting hall installed with mirror, all these would enable prosperity and good luck.
As for the Block B unit, main door at the 5 yellow killing star location五黃大殺位, master bedroom at 2 black sickness star location 二黑病符位, kitchen at 「57九」位 where fire fights against metal 金火相戰。Last lunar year 丙寅年 "災煞"臨" "disiaster star arrived main door 宅門,in lunar 12th month the 5 yellow again came to the main door , so severe harmful and bad lucks would be unavoidable. Why the couple were the victims? Because the main door flyingstars were 「75二」,QIAN and DUI as per laterly heaven 8 trigrams are couple, 乾與兌是後天夫婦,due to the lady was his 2nd wife 因為主婦是續娶的。besides, there was gua sign showing 2 murderers entered into the resident unit. The owner was born in 1962丙寅 ,belongs to KUN qua life 中元坤命,live in a KAN mansion 坎宅,would be a West life person live in an East mansion 西命人居東宅,along with also the 3-killing 三煞 and 5-yellow 五黃 harmful qi attracking,into such dreadful consequence.