Tien Sum posted in: xing.com - flying Stars in der Anwendung
As mentioned in my earlier article, the book《 Zhai Yun Xin An 宅運新案 》is regarded as a must read and study reference book for san yuan flyingstar fengshui followers. The book contains quite a number of fengshui cases which are interesting and exciting for looking into. Below is one of the cases I extracted for sharing here.
《 Zhai Yun Xin An 》 - A fire disaster case at the mainstreet outside of SongJiang West Gate。
《 Zhai Yun Xin An 》 - A fire disaster case at the mainstreet outside of SongJiang West Gate。
China Ching Dynasty time, in the year of 1903, the mainstreer outside the the Song Jiang city west gate had a very serious fire accident where all those houses in the diagram marked with Heavenly stems and Earthly brannches were burnt down into ashes in the fire.
China Ching Dynasty time, in the year of 1903, the mainstreer outside the the Song Jiang city west gate had a very serious fire accident where all those houses in the diagram marked with Heavenly stems and Earthly brannches were burnt down into ashes in the fire.
At the street's head and tail locations (dui and zhen qua palace) both sites were having a very tall traditional chinese tower buidings. In that year 癸卯 the year zi-bai star was 7 red violent star, so 9 purple fire star flying to the tall tower building at dui.trgram palace position. When the 9 and 7 stars symbolic of fire met at this tower building location near to the concerned fire accident site, it would trigger.higher possibility of fire accident and made the situation serously worse. This was because the fire stars arrived direction site, would avoid any objects of shape, color, etc, symbolising fire, and where are being used as for energy reflection and shooting tools.
At the street's head and tail locations (dui and zhen qua palace) both sites were having a very tall traditional chinese tower buidings. In that year 癸卯 the year zi-bai star was 7 red violent star, so 9 purple fire star flying to the tall tower building at dui.trgram palace position. When the 9 and 7 stars symbolic of fire met at this tower building location near to the concerned fire accident site, it would trigger.higher possibility of fire accident and made the situation serously worse. This was because the fire stars arrived direction site, would avoid any objects of shape, color, etc, symbolising fire, and where are being used as for energy reflection and shooting tools.
As recorded in the book, the fire disastee accident occured in 1903, (shang yuan 2th yun) , "li shia" summer , the lunnar 4th month. Zi-Bai flyingstar for the year was 9 and for the month was 7, arrived and met at the tall tower building at the "west" direction.Due to the tower building was closely near to the concerned fire accident site, it resulted a fire disaster burnt down 17 houses locating there.
Please note that it does not mean wherever the concerned 2 fire stars are met would trigger fire accident. This would still rely on the geographical environments and surroundung structure and landscape and meeting the qi requirements and criteria to provide such higher possibility and easier condition for fire outbreak. Though the book seem not providing the text description in very lower level of details nor in the diagram could find the two tall tower buildings at east and west sides, it gives room for the fengshui practitioner readers to think and explore further into the unspoken factors and criteria for causing the fire accident. For example, the "early heaven" and "late heaven" li-qi as well as for the relevant "luan tou" and "xing shi".
紫白訣 : "七赤為先天火數,九紫為後天火星,旺宮單遇,動始為殃,煞處重逢,靜亦肆虐。"