FX168財經報社(香港)訊 全球最大資管公司貝萊德(BlackRock)迫於壓力撤出中國,宣佈將於11月7日關閉中國靈活股票基金(China Flexible Equity Fund)。美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)批評中國對在華經營的美國企業實施各種新限制後,歐盟、英國和加拿大的商會也齊發聲,稱透明度和繁瑣的限制仍待解決。
貝萊德在週二(9月5日)的股東信中宣佈撤資中國消息,貝萊德全球基金(BGF)主席Denise Voss將貝萊德中國靈活股票基金的決定解釋爲「缺乏新的投資者興趣」,以及未來大量認購的前景黯淡。此外,她指出,繼續管理這麼小的基金會增加成本,這不符合股東的最佳利益。
Shanghai Securities News reported that BlackRock Global Funds (BGF), a product of the world's largest asset manager BlackRock, announced in a shareholder letter on 5 September that it would close its sub-fund, BGF China Flexible Equity Fund, on 7 November.
BlackRock responded that reports of the company withdrawing from China were untrue and that BlackRock's commitment to the China market remained unchanged.
A BlackRock source said that the BGF China Flexible Equity Fund has a relatively small AUM, and BlackRock has made the decision to liquidate the fund after giving due consideration to the interests of investors and shareholders
'Lack of new investor interest' forces BlackRock to shut $22m China Flexible Equity fund
BlackRock Global Funds

The fund will be liquidated on 7 November 2023.
BlackRock Global Funds will shutter its BGF China Flexible Equity fund by 7 November 2023, it said in a shareholder letter.
The strategy was launched in October 2017 and, according to the company, its net asset value was $22.3m as of 4 September 2023.
The decision to close the fund stemmed from a "lack of new investor interest", BGF chair Denise Voss said in the letter, adding the company does not expect to raise significant subscriptions in the near future.
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She explained that continuing to manage the fund at its current size would result in higher investment costs, which the firm said is "not in the best interests of shareholders".
As a result, BlackRock has stopped further subscriptions to the fund from 24 August 2023. However, outstanding subscriptions from existing regular savers shareholders will be accepted until 31 October 2023, as long as they were agreed prior to 24 August.
BlackRock said shareholders now have three options: switch their shareholding to another of its funds, free of charge; redeem their investments before the liquidation date of 7 November 2023; or have their holdings automatically redeemed when the fund is liquidated.
BlackRock declined to comment further on the closure of the fund.