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惠譽評級全球主權及超國家評級主管James McCormack在亞洲保險論壇上指,預計不改變目前對香港的穩定展望評級,亦認為目前評級沒有任何即時壓力。隨著疫後復甦增強,以及香港公共財政狀況改善,對香港的評級前景不特別擔心。 James McCormack指,過去幾年,港府資產負債表惡化,但以基本面來說,港府的資產負債表仍然強健,支持「AA-」評級,惟增長前景或較惠譽預期疲弱一點。 對於港府回應評級機構穆迪降香港展望評級時指,與內地的聯繫不應成降級因素。他認為,香港和內地兩個經濟體之間更深的聯繫,意味着香港將從內地的強勁增長中受益。另外,他預料,中美之間的地緣政治問題有機會延續到2024年。 目前惠譽對香港的主權評級是「AA-」、對中國主權評級是「A+」,兩者評級展望均為穩定。(ha/k)~ 阿思達克財經新聞 網址: www.aastocks.com


有趣!不「特別」擔心?與不擔心有何分別? better read the original sentence written in English on the news below. 

Fitch Ratings 是有意或無意地抹黑或是抹白? Fitch Ratings 與 Moody's 同是美國的機構。甚也好,無須擔憂Fitch 會跟隨 Moody's 了?餘下  Stand & Poors 未表態 ?

Fitch Ratings' Head: Not Particularly Worried About HK's Rating Outlook


James McCormack, Global Head of Sovereigns & Supranationals at Fitch Ratings, remarked at the Asian Insurance Forum that, given Hong Kong's strengthening post-pandemic recovery and improving public finance conditions, he was not particularly concerned about the rating outlook of Hong Kong.

McCormack added that the current Stable outlook rating on Hong Kong would likely remain in place, with no imminent pressure.
