<匯港通訊> 渣打香港行政總裁禤惠儀表示,歡迎《施政報告》提出一系列具前瞻性的措施,多方位發揮香港的不同優勢及提高競爭力,鞏固香港的國際金融中心地位,以把握全球經濟重心東移、亞洲和中國經濟快速增長的機遇。
渣打將積極配合《施政報告》,繼續與內地金融市場互聯互通,強化香港的離岸人民幣業務,深化大灣區金融合作及「一帶一路」的帶展,並透過該行在大灣區、東盟以至中東地區的獨特業務網絡,繼續為香港的長遠經濟發展作出貢獻。 (BC)
(香港26日讯)渣打集团(Standard Chartered)今日(26日)中午披露上季扣除利息、税务、折旧与摊销前盈利(EBITDA)按年跌2.2%,至13.16亿美元,逊市场预期,午后港股股价急挫,现报60港元,跌11%,成交107.31万股,涉资6704.36万港元。
StanChart Profits Tumble From China Impairments
London-headquartered Standard Chartered saw its profits fall in the third quarter due to impairments linked to the Chinese market.
Standard Chartered posted a pre-tax profit of $633 million in the third quarter, according to the bank’s financial results, down 54 percent year-on-year. Operating income rose 4 percent to $4.5 billion while operating expenses increased 6 percent to nearly $2.9 billion.
The largest negative impact on the bank’s results was from impairments, most notably those related to China. Credit impairments grew 29 percent to $292 million, which included another $186 million in charges linked to China's commercial real estate sector. The bank also recorded a $697 million impairment charge related to an investment in China Bohai Bank, due to subdued earnings and a challenging macroeconomic outlook.
Year-to-date, Standard Chartered registered a pre-tax profit of around $4 billion, down 5 percent year-on-year.
Asia Results
Within the bank's Asia business, pre-tax profits fell 68 percent to $330 million in the third quarter.
Operating income was up 10 percent to $3.2 billion, driven by double-digit increase across cash management, retail deposits and wealth management which was partly offset by lower mortgage income and a loss in treasury markets. Operating expenses rose 8 percent to $1.8 billion.