中時命理頻道 |
八字中的空亡為何物? |
2015-04-02 - 陳添賜老師 |
空亡是不見的意思,對看得見的東西而言,空亡含有似有似無、緣薄、無法發揮的含意,但對看不見的東西而言,卻是海闊天空、通暢無阻,反而有充滿一切虛空的味道,故見到空亡,未必為凶。 然據一般書中的說法是「逢凶不以凶論,逢吉不以吉論」。可是就個人心得而言,通常元神旺者,空亡較不忌諱,而元神弱者,空亡的影響比較大;對研究學問而言,有空亡多者,研究務實性的技術,進步較慢,研究天馬行空的玄學,可為一流的哦! ◎ 觀念提示 一般由年柱所求得的空亡,稱為年空;由日柱所求得的空亡,稱為日空,這是我們所熟知的,但是月時同理可求得空亡,並有其用途,是我要大家增廣見聞之處,動動腦筋吧! |
八十年代在香港從事金融業,也開始中國術數研究和實用。數年後遷至新加坡協助一歐洲國際銀行成立亞太區科技總部。工作上走遍歐亞洲各主要城市,更在數地居往工作頗長歲月。 天心之名始於MSN術數論壇,後在數個中港術數网。2006年於Yahoo 建立[玄玄雜談]blog累積拜訪人次高達27萬。2014年初搬至隨意窩(xuite.net)後全遷到這网。2015年參與歐洲職業網Xing.com的Feng shui group,以英文術數文章交流。2021年中在Linkedin. com上成立了Fengshui Group 古中國術數同道研究組作交流平台。又,於2021年3月始在 MeWe平台上發表。自2022年始也涉及評論亞洲金融和經濟與玄學相關新聞話題。 個人熱愛研究中國術數,閱讀古今書籍,寫作,間以業餘顧問式助人為樂。愛食干炒牛河, 飲靚啤酒, 聽中西古今各類音樂。現也在退休專研傳統術數學了。
Feng shui terminology - kong wang (void & gone ) 空亡
Tien Sum posted in: xing.com. Formschule Feng Shui
Feng shui terminology - kong wang (void & gone ) 空亡
"six jia kong wang 六甲空亡", " big four void四大空亡", "cut road kong wang 截路空亡" are the terminologies used in zi-ping bazi science.
"kong wang" terminology is also used in the chinese divination such as liu yao prediction六爻預測, and also in the date selection science擇日學.
In the zi-wei-dou-shu紫微斗數 science, similar terminologies such as "tian kong 天空", "di kong 地空" stars are used.
In feng shui science, there are "da kong wang 大空亡", and "xiao kong wang 小空亡" terminologies used but the definitions between the san he and san yuan are difference.
As per the san yuan xian kong science, when the yin or yang mansion is having its facing degree pointing right at the boundary line between:
- 2 mountains on luopan, the feng shui terminology is named "xiao kong wang" 「小空亡」which direct translation in English would be "little void and gone", carrying the bad and dangerous luck.
-.2 qua (trigram) on luopan, the feng shui terminology is named " da kong wang" 「大空亡」 which direct translation in English, would be "big void and gone", carrying very bad and dangerous luck.
Both scenarios would result san yuan xian kong unable to set up the flying star life pan (plate) for the yin or yang mansion due to unable to identify which luopan mountain is used in the formula for calculation and set-up.
The "kong wang" is having the meanings such as, empty, idle, useless, lost, disappear, missing,..... dead.
As per the classical literature, both scenarios above in case of the impact to the yang mansion feng shui would happen to be haunted, residents often unable to sleep well and peaceful, strangle behaviour developed, loosing sense of family and home belonging, frequent accidents occur, fire, car accidents, involves in lawsuit cases, robbery, business failure, long time illness unrecovery, various bad luck matters encountered.
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