In my earlier article 《 Live Bazi example -真是身在福中不知福 indeed living in happiness already but still unware of ,》 , it mentioned about a bazi example with the daymaster 甲申。
In one classical lierature of Bazi science《三命通會》 , there is a chapter talking about the terminology fof simplified 4 life stages of 5 elements within a pillar :In the 4 pillars of life , the 5 elements could be defined simply into 4 lifespan stages namely, born, strong, dead, extinction ( 生, 旺, 死, 绝 )Born - for example, 甲申、丙寅、己亥、辛已、戊申. these pillars are described using a bazi terminology name " 5 elements on self-born". Regardless of 4 seasons, the pillar HS is fed with the resource for self-born from its EB sitting on. Those having it in their bazi, would be the quick-actioned and intelligent persons.
在古經《三命通會》内有— “五行 生旺死绝”章, 云:凡看命,分五行生旺死绝,如甲申、丙寅、己亥、辛已、戊申,皆五行自长生,不论四时,超然得自生之理,人命禀之,敏快高明。