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Furher talk about "tieban shen shu" 再談《 鐵版神數》

As per the response from my earlier article, I would like to take the opportunity to write a bit more about the 鐵版神數 which seem interesting to everone here.
Another popular great old TCM master 朱雲山. In his book 《鐵版神數心得》, ( the book i have, can see from the photo), preface said:
序 preface
<鐵版神數> is like a heaven book of no words, regardless of a person has been mastering those i-ching, zi wei dou shu and others for long years, if without the guidance, advise and learning from the <鐵版神數> specialist master (sifu) , the person would still be unable to break into the core of <鐵版神數> for accurate operation, still like being an outsider, no matter been several ten years studies into it.
The attractive of it, apart from the phrases are written in classical poem style, it has the power on telling a person's family details such as parent born/death year, parent remarried/ divorce, number of brother sister, number of children, the person married remarried how many times, brothers and/or children capabilty, the person's death year, etc... So accurate that like had been closely living with the person. If this is being used properly, you could be able to make use of it for achieving.alot of things, showing off your magical power to people in everywhere. It might look simple in its methods, which relate to the yi xue eight trigrams where the Heavenly stems are being mapped to specific trigram (bua), Earthly branches are being mapped to specific trigram, daymaster is mapped to specific trigram, using Ho Lo (River map, Lo shu) methods to derive the relevant numbers....... selection and mapping of those trigrams, then converting the trigrams into numbers. These numbers could be brought down to lowest level coding for details. Ever said two persons of aame bazi might have different destiny, this is due to the birth time different, for the reason 鐵版神數 method has further divided one bazi hour (時辰) into 8 sections, and further into each section for which 15 minute slot, once the birth time at such details is set correct, then using the abacus to calculate as per the various relevant fotmula for computing a set of numbers giving to the person (client) to search as per the numbers in the destiny description book for relevant details.
The charming of 鐵版神數 since the ancient time to nowadays, has been increasing the popularity and reputation, especially among those high official people, politician, weath upper class people, entertainment movie and tv stars. Those wish to own the 鐵版神數 secret operating method, should not be too stuborn on taking the written formula poem wording meaning, as the proper way should be following your feel and sense at the time of the process. As a hint here, if you use 邵子 methods for deriving the numbers, you would be easily lost in the maze. Like a gold lock but noone could open it. 鐵板神數 has its own silver key, these.are kind of secret methods(eg encoding, decoding, etc) , once you know and own it,.you are powerful in everywhere.
In the search of one old TCM master (Zi Wei Yeung紫徵楊) who is famous in zi wei dou shu 紫微斗數, it has one live example of the destiny findings for a person once his/her birth hour into specific hour section and minute slot been set correctly.
3809 此刻生人,雙親俱全。born at this moment, you have dad and mother still alive living.
8689 分有前母,生我後母。 your dad has two wives, so you have two mothers, the second one gave birth of you.
6929 兄弟五人,同父不同母。you have five brothers, from same father but different mother
9767 妻命甲子生,姻緣注定。your wife was born in 甲子 year, your marriage is destinated.
8661 先女後男,數定不差。you have a daughter then follow with son.
5331 數有六子,四子送老。you have 6 sons, by the time you pass away, you have 4 sons making the funeral arrangement
7205 子多而貴,樂莫大焉。you have many sons, all are very capable having big achievement.
4534 慷慨熱心腸,為人無鄙吝。you are ver generous and passionate helping others, a righteous person.
7251 問名無成,問利有益 you dont have reputation achievements, but have achievements in business, money wealth.
3584 數注其人,四方為家。you are destinated for having a travelling life, everywhere can live and work
3035 經商異地,满載而歸。you in overseas are doing very successful business, make yourself very rich.
In his rseach, he saud, due to different school/lineage and also different master's specific coding methods for confidentiality, the birth hour section and minute slot of a person derived from Master A may be different from Master B.
Futhermore, the numbering methods used for each destiny description note can be different among those.masters.
Below are three very famous and respectable TCM masters ( 吳師青, 馬翰如, 阮閒雲 ) also the 鐵版神數 high skilled masters in long old days though all had passed away at long time ago. Though the same number is used but for different destiny description, so mean each of them having their own coding and decoding.method.
For example,
Number: 90470 - Destiny description
(吳師青) 夫小五年 hubby is 5 years younger
(馬翰如) 母親何日逝,金水是歸期。mother pass away in year of metal or water.
(阮閒雲) 數有倫枯,妻帶微病。wife's health is often suffering from. small illness
From all these, you could imagine how mysterous is this TCM method, in order to keep its prime position in the TCM society circle, rumour has it, the master is alowed to teach and pass on this secretly to only one disciple ( some said, is within 5), never would be openly teaching in class.

My first "tieban shen shu" destiny telling book 我的首本《 鐵版神數》書籍

Since early 80th, those days in Hong Kong and Taiwan tranditional chinese metaphysics sector circles as well as the entertainmemt sector circles (eg. Movie stars, tv stars, singers) have been very hot about going for 《 鐵版神數 tieban shen shu,》for destiny telling. The English translation would be "iron plate oracle destiny telling". Out of my curiority, I bought in my first book which was written by the famous TCM old master Leung xiang run 梁湘潤 (1930-2013) in Taiwan, so as to understand more about thus TCM fortune telling method as well as why it is so attractive.
八十年代初, 在港台命理界和娛樂界均盛行著《 鐵版神數》批命。因好奇之下, 也買了本 台灣沙門梁湘潤先生 所編著的《 鐵版神數》來查討下何謂 《 鐵版神數》又有何吸引力。
This book was published in Hong Kong by the 麒麟出版社 publisher and printing company. This book consists of 241 pages, at that time was selling at HKD 20 ( = euro 2.27 approx now but at the value of 30-40 years ago) I believe, this book is the first edition due to the date of the aurther's preface is Republic of China calendar 64th year 10th month, converted to western calendar would be 1975.
這本是 香港的麒麟出版社所印發, 全書共二百四十一頁。當時售價港幣二十元。我想這是初版, 依作者序文日期是中華民國六十四年十月, 即西曆一九七五年, 也是我首本 《 鐵版神數》書籍吧。 
As per the preface, there are various versions of 《 鐵版神數》available and being used for the fortune tellung, especially the destiny description notes used are vary among each other. Nowadays those commonly used ones are the versions written in ancient china ching dynasty time. In general, there are 3 main stream versions commonly used:
序文有説及,《 鐵版神數》在坊間有好幾種不同之版本, 尤其是「 數序 」所附之吉凶合註文, 甚有大之差別, 目前所能是到之版本, 皆屬” 清代 ”之作品, 最流行之版本, 一共有三種: 
1) 南派 數序有一萬二千條  "nan pai" (pai = school/lineage) has 12,000 pre-numbered destiny description notes
2) 江南派 數序有五千條 "jiangnan pai" has 5,000 pre-numbered destiny description notes.
3) 中州派 數序有一千二百條 "chung chou pai" has 1,200 pre-numbered destiny description notes
Nowadays the "nan pai" school/lineage version seems to be the majority, using 12,000 pre-numbered destiny description notes. 《 鐵版神數》Is regarded as the most complicated destiny telling method.as it has included various TCM methods and formula (周易河洛數序, 卦爻策數, 五行干支, 紫微斗數, 子平法, 七政四餘。。。。) as parts of its computation.
目前所見者為南派者居多, 即是一萬二千條註文之吉凶條文。 《 鐵版神數》為命理學中最為淵博之一部巨著, 其中包賅之範圍, 自漢代之三統曆以迄至清代之時憲曆。 取材包含 ” 周易河洛數序, 卦爻策數, 五行干支, 紫微斗數, 子平法, 七政四餘。。。。 ” 等等。 
This book has explained what are those TCM theories, methods and formula being used in the 《 鐵版神數》, with explanations about their basis and fundamental information. It has taken me several times repeatingly reading slowly about the book content for understanding, due to the contents involved some TCM methods I havw not studied or have limited knowledge about. The purpose and content of this book are not to guide.the readers on how to operate and to use it, but is to give a proper and comprehensive introductive view of information about the 《 鐵版神數, prior to the next steps for further studies. Due to this book, subsequently I bought in few relevant reference books for studies.
這本書也介紹了各種被《 鐵版神數》所涉及的術數其基本法則, 本人資質低庸, 實不容易即看了便全明白, 要翻看多次又再參巧其它所涉及的術數專門書籍作輔導。然而, 這書隻可作為對《 鐵版神數》有一個正確全面性的初步認識, 並非能帶你走入如何起數後至運算出條文序號。 因緣購入這書閱讀, 也引致後來買進其它相關書籍作研究學習。 
《鐵版神數》is said to be first invented in ancient china song dynasty by the famous TCM master 邵雍. The mysteriousness and interesring of this fortune telling is, it can also tell very accurate about a person's family members in details, such as the chinese animal zodiac of the father, mother, brother(s) and sister(s), wife and children, whether have step parents, number of brothers and sisters and children, number of wife or hubby from re-marriage, whereas other TCM fortune telling methods could NOT achieve at such lowest level of details and also accurately. In bazi method, it follows to use the ancient clock timing way, ie 24 hours are mapped into 12 earthly branch time slots, whereas the 《 鐵版神數》even further decompose each EB time slots to 8 sections 一時辰有八刻 for its calculation through various complicate sets of formula extracted from different TCM methods.
The format of the above-mentioned "prenumbered destiny description notes" is similar to those listed in the 《河洛理數 he luo li shu 》. See below photos attached.
By now, I know very little about this mysterous destiny telling method so don't know how to use it, but surely it is always good as having something interesting for continuously exploring from time to time.

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Joseph Luk

Other reference books

Joseph Luk

Examples of the《 鐵版神數》version of 12,000 prenumbering destiny description notes,

Joseph Luk

Examples of the 《河洛理數 he luo li shu》.prenumbered destiny description notes