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The 2015 Feng Shui Index: Investing in the Year of the Goat


The 2015 Feng Shui Index: Investing in the Year of the Goat

CLSA, the Hong Kong-based investment and broker group, has launched its 21st Feng Shui Index (FSI), a tongue-in-cheek financial forecast for the coming Chinese Year of the Goat.According to the Chinese zodiac, goats are harmonious creatures but be prepared for the typically affable goat to reveal his gruff side this year.The Goat is the eighth sign of the 12-year cycle of animals.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing with the environment.Studying its Feng Shui Index, CLSA says mean-spirited people will be crossing your path, so triple-check emails and contracts to avoid outbursts, or worse, lawsuits.Industries such as autos, electronics, silver and gold will do brilliantly. Even previously lacklustre oil and gas markets will perform well.Since it’s the goat which put the cash into cashmere, the CLSA Feng Shui Index guides overall top sector picks with this most luxurious gift from our four-legged friends.Cashmere sectors include renewables, commodities and property. If seeking Hong Kong property, skip the west and graze north this year.Preventative medical stocks will be in demand.

CLSA expects Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index to end the second half of the year marginally higher than the start.“Our favourite Earth Rooster, the Hang Seng Index, will not perform spectacularly this year as the rooster clashes with the goat, causing it to falter,” says CLSA.“CLSA’s FSI tracks the Hang Seng on a precarious path, predicting some volatility after a mundane start. In the second leg, the Rooster is expected to peck its way to a mid-year peak, crowing marginally higher at the end of the year.”
