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全球銀行業動盪 比特幣大放異彩?

全球銀行業動盪 比特幣大放異彩 動力源自流動性管理?|林子傑

hk01  撰文:林子傑

原文網址: 全球銀行業動盪 比特幣大放異彩 動力源自流動性管理?|林子傑 | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/883691?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral

三月份,全球銀行業異常動盪,Silvergate Capital、矽谷銀行 (SVB) 等美國銀行的倒閉潮,蔓延至有167年歷史的瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)遭到瑞士銀行(UBS)的收購,而退出世界舞台。

但同時,世界上最大的加密貨幣比特幣(Bitcoin)脫穎而出,自 12 月底以來Bitcoin飆升近 70%,並在上週創下了差不多29,000 美元的九個月高位,及經歷兩年以來最好表現的季度。

Bitcoin在經歷風高浪急的2022年和FTX倒閉後,相對高位損失了近三分之二的價值。但自 3 月初銀行業危機爆發以來,投資者再一次憧憬,數字資產能作為傳統金融的替代品。


銀行業危機,引發了投資者對世界金融體系的恐慌和不信任。 在銀行業面對擠提(Bank Run)及經濟收縮壓力的時候,究竟人們存入銀行的錢還安全嗎?全球央行、監管機構和政府還值得信任嗎?

這就是Bitcoin的好處所在。加密貨幣是一種去中心化(decentralization)的資產,這意味著,它不受外部機構和政府的控制。 因此,當金融系統面臨交易對手(counter-party)和制度風險時,Bitcoin可以作為一種比傳統貨幣更具吸引力的資產。

雖然以上說法看來很有道理,但摩根士丹利認為Bitcoin價格的真正推動力,是來自市場的流動性不足。當任何資產的流動性較低時,雙向波動性都會大幅提升,在市場深度下降時,資產價格在上升和下降的阻力和支撐都變得薄弱,把資產價格舞高弄低的成本也大幅下降。Bitcoin這段時間的流動性是最近10個月的低位,也遠遠低於FTX交易所和Alameda Research 倒閉時的水平。在這種情況下,Bitcoin作為金融災難對沖工具的功效只是掩飾了因流動性不足而引發的價格變動。摩根士丹利的報告更認為,全球最大的加密貨幣交易所幣安(Binance) 佔Bitcoin全球交易量的大約80%,在這些條件下他們的交易員也具備每天為Bitcoin定價的能力。

此外,美國商品期貨交易委員會 (CFTC) ,在上週對幣安、其行政總裁趙長鵬及前首席合規總監提出訴訟,指他們涉嫌違反監管規定,經營非法的交易所,以及實行虛假的合規程序。此消息剛公布的時候,令比特幣的價值大幅下跌,但投資者迅速擺脫擔憂, 比特幣上週五收盤價為 28,600美元,遠高於27,000 美元的低點。一些投資者甚至認為, 比特幣的價格,受益於近期中國與阿拉伯聯合酋長國完成了首個以人民幣結算的液化天然氣 (LNG) 貿易的公告,這加強了比特幣可能在不久的將來,用作大型跨境能源交易的交換手段的投資亮點(investment story)。


當 Bitcoin 可如此戲劇性的大起大跌,上論點只能一笑置之。


U.S. Banking System Turmoil Has Spurred Bitcoin Outperformance: Coinbase

The cryptocurrency has topped other digital assets in the last month, a report from the exchange noted.
Apr 3, 2023 at 5:56 p.m.
Updated Apr 4, 2023 at 4:50 a.m.

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Jenny Johnson
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Franklin Templeton

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Cryptocurrency markets have displayed resilience in the face of recent upheaval in the U.S. banking system, with bitcoin (BTC) in particular outperforming, crypto exchange Coinbase (COIN) said in a research report Friday.

Coinbase noted that bitcoin has outperformed other assets since the middle of February, with the cryptocurrency’s dominance as a percentage of total crypto market cap increasing to 47.7% from 43.9% during March. The outperformance accelerated early in the month, which coincided with the onset of the U.S. banking system turmoil, Coinbase said.

“Part of the reason is that the stress in the banking system reinforced bitcoin’s store-of-value properties,” the report stated, and because BTC mainly exists outside of the traditional financial system “it offers a hedge against current conditions.”

It has also benefited from investor concerns about the regulatory status of other cryptocurrencies, analysts David Duong and Brian Cubellis wrote.

Bitcoin’s correlation to the S&P 500 stock index dropped to 25% at the end of March from a peak of 70% in May last year, the analysts wrote. They didn't give the timespan for the correlation calculation.

The cryptocurrency’s relative outperformance versus other digital coins and tokens also reflects investor concerns about the regulatory status of other digital assets, and thinner liquidity specific to some BTC versus stablecoin trading pairs, the report added.
