Chinese horoscope 2023: Horse to face 'conflict' which has 'great impact' on their fortune

The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 zodiac animals. Here's what 2023 has in store for the Horse.

For Horse people, unfortunately, the year does not look like it will be plain sailing.
The year 2023 may bring "conflict" with Tai Sui (the age star), which will "have a great impact on your fortunes".

"This year will be full of ups and downs, and you'll need to be more careful in your work."

However, this does not mean that 2023 will be a calamitous year, as with your continuous efforts, "you can get through this restless year smoothly".Horses, 2023 may shape up to be a difficult one career-wise, and it may very well be "turbulent" too.

"There will be many villains affecting your life this year. Horses who are newcomers to the workplace this year, you need to be more careful and do not give opportunities to those who would sabotage your career."

Those working in business may find themselves "subverted by villains". To avoid difficulty, "pay attention to detail" and take things "step by step".

There is good news for Horses working in art, however - "as long as you seize the opportunity, you can achieve good results".



屬馬運程2023 – 天喜桃花年 肖馬者上年太歲相合年,今年又是天喜桃花年,再加上有吉星「太陰」,人緣感情事業都有正面影響。


今年屬馬者有望權力地位提升,同時都受到「天喜」正桃花星的影響,人緣運得以提升。如打工仔希望升職加人工,可以多加努力,今年機會較大;從商或自僱人士可先多參加行業內的活動以增加名氣。 吉星「太陰」有女性貴人出現,與上司下屬或合作夥伴是女性會比較有利。 




英文的說法與中文的相差很大。Chinese horoscope 2023: Horse to face 'conflict' ??指犯太歲?但午馬並無犯值刑沖太歲!