<Yuan Hai Zi Ping> , there is a chapter talking about the 5 elements inter-relationship with each other in terms of the chemical effects into create , destroy, restraint and defuse, with examples for illustration.
- Metal relies on earth for production, but too heavy hard earth results burrial of metal which would be unable found and taken out for utilisation.
- Earth relies on fire for creation, but too strong high-temperature fire would over burn the earth to become useless land.
- Fire relies wood for lighting up, but too many wood results the fire burn up too strong and extreme hot. Wood relies water to survive and grow, but too much water results the wood root loosen then drifting away.
- Water relies on metal to sustain its volume for existence, but too much metal results the water no longer clear and obscure.
渊海子平 - 《论五行5剋制化》
In my last article (1), the main idea is to highlight, when a person's Daymaster element (eg. Metal) is extreme /over strong, in order to balance it through an effective way would use its killing element (eg. Fire) for restraining, managing it into usable for utilisation.
The article (2) here highlights when a person's Daymaster element (eg. Metal) having too much heavy and hard earth would result the metal being buried down deep inside earth, then too lazy to come out, therefore unable to be discovered for its existence and removing out for utilusation, kind of defusing its existence and usage.
Both articles are driven with the important concept for maintaining into right balance among each other, harmony leads to better lucks and hapiness in life and living.