At about 4 years ago, occasionally i found a destiny forum website in china, considerable serious but still healthy atmosphere for discussion, i dropped by for a short period time participating in the bazi reading for life destiny enquiries from reader members.
As my reply always started with " i am not a da-si (big master) but just a visitor passed by and come across your enquiry, nevertheless i would like to share with my view foryour enquir ". Since then, many members began to address me as "pass-by da-si" requesting me for answering and viewpoints.
Below is one of the enquiry case.
Enquiry from a female member:
Birth info: 17 Oct 1972, 04:20, please check my 8 characters for whether my present marriage life can continue and last long as i do love my hubby vert much. as my hubby' was born in village, i was uncertain about his birth time so better not providing here.
Four pillars as follows:
Year month day time
    伤官   劫财   日柱   劫财   
坤造:  壬    庚    辛    庚 
Female 子    戌    巳    寅  空亡(申酉)
10-year luck cycle
大运:己酉 戊申 丁未 丙午 乙巳 甲辰 癸卯 壬寅  
实岁:03岁 13岁 23岁 33岁 43岁 53岁 63岁 73岁
My reply:
How are you, i just passed-by, since fated to see your enquiry, i would like to share my view in brief.
Since you entered into 2005-2014 丙午 ten-year luck cycle, your marriage love life has often been disturbed by third-parties resulting a lot of crash, quarrels, fights, breakdowns between you and your hubby, damaging the relationship. Nevertheless, as per your 4 pillars, showing your hubby star sits on the right palace for marriage, it indicated your hubby is still having his love and heart at you, so regardless of wind and rain and wave, both of you would still continue to be together and the marriage continues on too.
By 2015 you shall be entering into next 乙已 ten-year luck cycle, the situation by then wiuld be better. In the present bad situation where the life marriage for two cannot live just within the 2 person-world privately and peacefully, it would then require both side for mutual patient, give n take, and mutual trust on each other in order to carry on. Here, wish the love between both of love long last forever.
Member's response:
Thank you very much, lao-si (teacher), take care, happiness life. Your analysis is very accurate, my hubby by nature is certainly a good guy. As presently his mistress at outside is not a simple and easy lady to deal with, I worry about how long I could struggle on......
多年前 作客一大陆术数网站. 有一网友发问:
" 诚恳的跪请各位老师:女,1972年10月17日凌晨4:20分(公历),经度121度34分,不知和我老公婚姻能否继续,我真得很爱他,老公的八字,因为在农村出生,不太准的, 跪请各位大师请看一下. 请各位老师,看一下婚姻会长久吗,谢谢”
以下之八字 :
    伤官   劫财   日柱   劫财   
坤造:  壬    庚    辛    庚 
子    戌    巳    寅  空亡(申酉)
10-year luck cycle
大运:己酉 戊申 丁未 丙午 乙巳 甲辰 癸卯 壬寅  
实岁:03岁 13岁 23岁 33岁 43岁 53岁 63岁 73岁
我的回復: 你好,路过,随缘略说吧。你自2005年至2014年行丙午大运。婚姻虽常被外人干扰至感情多生枝节之争,然夫星坐夫宫正位有情于命主(女方),仍会俩人走在一起的。2015年进入乙已大运,会好点的,然夫妻生活本是俩人的实非如此宁静则需要双方互包容和信任对方。祝此情长久人长久。
网友的回復: "谢谢您,老师,祝你平平安安,幸福一生", " .......分析很准的,老公原来的确是不错的,目前就是这个小三很厉害的,我怕斗不过......"
Four years ago, I was still a banker as my prime profession, whereas chinese metaphysic was just for personal interest and freelancing within my social network circle.